
Year Level Representatives 2024


We are calling for nominations for the 2024 Year Level Representatives. Our parent community is very important to us at Galilee and our Year Level Representatives play an integral role in this community. If you are interested in being a Year Level Representative for 2024 please see the attached documents:


- Year Level Representative Application Form

- Year Level Representative Registration Form *to be completed once application has been accepted

- Year Level Representative Role Description - Code of Conduct

- Parent Communication Group Guidelines 


  • Please note that as this role is a Year Level Representative position (not a class representative) your child’s 2024 class allocation has no bearing.
  • All parents/guardians are more than welcome to apply to be a Year Level Representative for 2024, provided you haven't been that year level's rep in the previous year - for example, if you were the rep for Prep 2023, you cannot be the rep for Year 1 2024  but you could be a Year Level Rep for your other child's year level. This allows a sharing of responsibilities and roles amongst the parent community. 
  • In situations where a year level does not have any applications, the school will approach parents or guardians on a more direct basis in order for new volunteers to take up the vacancy. In such instances, a role share or role term rotation may be created.

Please register your interest by emailing a completed application form to Community Partnerships and Parent Liaison Leader, Carmen Carnovale -



Please see a letter from St. Mary's College St Kilda East, regarding vacancies