From the Principal

Year 12 Awards

This Wednesday 18 October, we had the opportunity to celebrate the academic excellence and significant talents of our Year 12 students. 

At Good News Lutheran College, we set high standards for academic excellence. We challenge our students to strive for greatness, to challenge their boundaries, and to become the best versions of themselves. However, as we celebrate those who have excelled in various subjects, I want to emphasise that academic prowess is just one facet of a well-rounded education.


The great Albert Einstein once said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." This quote reminds us that each one of us possesses unique talents, skills, and strengths. Our diverse community of students excels in different areas, and it is essential to recognize and nurture those talents.


Being a good person, a well-rounded individual, is about more than just excelling in academics. It's about demonstrating our values; grace, respect, courage and integrity. 

It's about being a team player, a leader, and a responsible member of our community. 

It's about finding what you are passionate about and using that passion to make a positive impact on the world.


Let us be inspired by the words of Albert Einstein and remember that everyone is a genius in their own way. Congratulations to all our award recipients. May you all find your own path to greatness, wherever that may lead you.


Fiona McAuliffe 

College Principal