Welcome to Term 4

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome to our last term together and hopefully a sunny one!! We welcome back Thomai, Grade 5B’s teacher, from her European break. We have heard she had an awesome time catching up with friends and family and is excited to see everyone at Sunny Heights again.  


This term we will be continuing on with The Respectful Relationships program which promotes respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. 


A reminder that this is the Grade 6s last term of Primary School and they will be graduating in less than 10 weeks. Please save the date - Thursday, December 14th




If your child is going to be absent from school, please mark the absence in Compass prior to school starting. If you have any questions regarding Compass, please speak to the friendly staff at the front office. 


Tissue Boxes

As the ‘Hayfever


Kind regards and looking forward to our continued partnership!


Grade 5/6 Team

Jake, Chau, Britta and Thomai