Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Hana | Responsible Learner | For always following instructions, being supportive of her friends, helping people out when needed and making the most of her learning. Way to go Hana! |
Junior G | Kai | Resilient | For the amazing way you have transitioned back into the St Joseph’s community. Your Show and Tell of your adventures with Dani the Dinosaur was both insightful and hilarious and we are so happy to have you back! |
Junior A | Alice | Responsible | For always demonstrating responsibility inside and outside of the classroom. Alice, you are always focused and determined during learning tasks. You follow instructions carefully and work very hard to complete your work to a high standard. Well done Alice, keep up the great work! |
Middle L | Oscar | Resilient | For your resilience during the first two weeks of Term 4! Oscar, you have done a wonderful job in adjusting to a new school and have settled into Middle L really well. You always try your best during class time and in making new friendships! It feels like you’ve been here forever. Well done Oscar! |
Middle J | Aurora | Resilient | For the resilience and positivity you have shown during these 2 weeks at St Joseph's. It has been such a joy to get to know you and see you adjust so beautifully to our little community. I’m excited to watch your learning continue to grow and appreciate your cheerful personality uplifting our class. Well done Aurora! |
Senior B | Zahra | Respectful | For your respectful listening and participation in the Body Image Workshop last week. You were empathetic and considerate when discussing what can be a difficult topic and wrote some thoughtful affirmations to some of your peers. Well done, Zahra! |
Senior L | Klara | Respectful | For your respectful nature during our Phoenix Soar program this week. You demonstrated active listening when the presenters were sharing instructions and you were able to participate in all the games with so much respect for your peers. Keep up the fabulous work, Klara! |
PE | Sienna | Collaborative | Engaging and participating fully throughout this week’s soccer lesson, which was called FOUR TEAM SOCCER. You listened carefully to the instructions and the rules of the game, tried your best and collaborated well with your team mates by passing the ball to them and encouraging their efforts. Well done. |
STEM | Benjamin | Creative | Showing wonderful creativity, determination and a great use of your imagination when solving coding related problems. You thought ‘outside the box’, persisted with and changed codes that needed ‘debugging’ and stayed engaged and on task for a prolonged period of time. Well done. |
Chinese | Samantha | Resilient Learner | Working hard and collaboratively with your team members towards achieving a high standard of your classwork when you were assigned to work with someone you normally wouldn’t work with. Thank you for being resilient! |
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Marco Martinez | Curious Learner | Marco has been fantastic this week at asking great questions to further his learning around properties of materials. He is always taking an interest in the learning happening around him and works hard to problem-solve challenging ideas and concepts. |
Junior G | Lola | Determined | Lola, you have been doing an incredible job in our information report writing sessions. You worked so hard to complete the planner for your Platypus Report and even came back to finish it after the lesson was finished. I was so proud of your effort and was so excited to place it on our WOW work wall! Keep up the amazing work Lola :) |
Junior A | Azelia | Creative | Azelia you demonstrated your creativity and determination during our maths learning on patterns. You worked so hard to create an amazing name grid artwork using creative patterns. Your work demonstrated your understanding of patterns and it was great to see you so focused and determined to produce your best work. |
Middle L | Zelia | Curious Learner | Working hard during our Inquiry unit and researching information to find out answers to Space related questions. Zelia, you have a wonderfully curious mind and are always asking questions and seeking clarification. You do a great job problem solving and always try your best! Keep up the amazing work. |
Middle J | Archer | Collaborative Learner | For your excellent contributions to our classroom discussions this past week, particularly in reading. You have been offering many insightful and creative points of view from our class novel “The City of Ember”. It shows how attentive you have been during our readings, which is very impressive. Well done Archer and thank you for all you’ve shared! |
Senior B | Mason Catena | Determined Learner | For your great work in Maths on Cartesian Planes. You listened carefully and attentively and were able to plot the ordered pairs onto the four quadrants. Well done, Mason! Keep up the hard work. |
Senior L | Joey Casamento | Determined Learner | For your awesome efforts during our Cartesian Planes activity! You listened attentively during the session and asked great clarifying questions. You successfully were able to plot points in each of the four quadrants and translate them to new points. Well done, Joey! |
PE | Junior A | Collaborative Learner | Collaborating with each other, listening attentively to the instructions and to each other as well as offering ideas and suggestions on some of the possible and effective strategies they used to assist their team and team mates achieve their goals. Well done everyone, keep up the great work. |
STEM | Caolan Mayne | Proactive Learner | Being a patient and friendly helper when asked to assist and encourage the Preps with their work on’s Pre reader Express coding course. You showed patience and excellent communication skills, which made the coding session so much more enjoyable and effective. |
Chinese | Akiva Gelman Ward | Proactive Learner | Demonstrating courage in answering questions using newly learned Chinese vocabulary and for providing support to his peers in the class. |
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Max Carlini | Resilient Learner | Max has shown resilience with his recount writing this week, working hard to remember his punctuation, Stage 5 and 6 sounds and sentence structure. It has been a challenge to learn these new writing skills and Max has done an amazing job. Well done, Max. |
Junior G | Anastasia | Responsible Learner | Anastasia, You are a responsible and resilient member of Junior G. I was so impressed by your work in Maths last week. You did an amazing job surveying the class to create your own digital graph. You were able to post your work independently to Seesaw and even helped your friends without being asked. Keep up the focused and kind work Anastasia! |
Junior A | Jack | Responsible | For the amazing responsibility you have shown towards your learning this term. Jack, you have been so focused in class and are making great decisions to help your learning. It is fantastic to see your determination and persistence. Way to go Jack! |
Middle L | Ben | Respectful | Ben, you have always been an incredibly respectful member of Middle L. You are always willinging to help your classmates and teachers and are respectful in the way you ask questions. You are such an amazing team player and friend. We are very lucky to have you! |
Middle J | Hamish S | Resilient | For the exceptional resilience you have shown towards your learning across all areas. I have been so impressed with the determination you have shown in maths as we learned about fractions and decimals. I know Miss Laura has also been very happy to see you grow as a resilient learner during your reading rotations. Well done Hamish and keep it up! |
Senior B | Jacob Rajab | Resilient Learner | For your resilience in Inquiry when building your Mars Rover out of pasta. While the construction of your rover didn’t always go to plan, you tried different solutions and maintained a positive mindset when working through these challenges. Well done, Jacob! |
Senior L | Kaelan Webb | Responsible Learner | For your hard work and dedication during our literature circle activities. You make sure that you have completed your role to a high standard and include all of the criteria to make your work successful. I am super proud of the way you are taking control of your learning and working so well independently and as a part of a group. Well done, Kaelan! |
Visual Arts | Leila Vicariotto | Creative | For her absolute enthusiasm for everything we do in the Art room. She always enters her lesson with a smile on her face and is growing in independence in the choices she makes and the skills she supplies to an activity. She always has a kind word to say about her peers work and loves exploring new materials |
Visual Arts | Ada Ryan | Creative | For her diligence, enthusiasm and precision when creating her paper mache pet. It was a tricky task and she worked through each stage so well. She managed to create a personality for her piece in the final decoration and it is clever and pleasing to look at. Keep up the fabulous effort Ada
PE | Noah Ryan | Collaborating | Collaborating with his team mates so respectfully and in such a kind and understanding manner. Noah participated fully, showed wonderful teamwork and exemplary sportsmanship. He listened to and played by the rules and helped and assisted others who needed extra support and guidance. Well done Noah, your attitude and effort were exemplary. |
STEM | Damian Nakic | Determined | Being a determined and focused class member consistently throughout the year. You have listened to instructions, collaborated with others, thought creatively and demonstrated wonderful manners, kindness and a respectful and responsible attitude to staff and your peers. |
Chinese | Akiva Gelman Ward | Proactive Learner | Demonstrating courage in answering questions using newly learned Chinese vocabulary and for providing support to his peers in the class. |
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep | Kabo | Determined Learner | Kabo has been a fantastic determined learner this week. He has put in an incredible amount of effort with his literacy and made so much progress this term. Way to go Kabo! |
Junior G | Biagio | Determined Learner | For the determination you show during our writing lessons. Biagio you were super focused during our quick write last week. You did a fantastic job to plan and write your own story in such a short time frame and should be very proud of your efforts! Keep it up! |
Junior A | Amroz | Determined Learner | For always approaching your learning with focus and enthusiasm. You worked so hard to write your recount and continued to seek opportunities to extend yourself. You always try your best and always produce work that is to the best of your ability. Keep up the focused work! |
Middle L | Hamish R | Determined Learner | For your determination at Camp! Hamish, you spent lots of your time helping your friends and ensuring that everyone was happy. You listened carefully to instructions and showed the Camp staff respect. You were a wonderful example of a St Joseph’s student and you should be so proud of your efforts. Well done Hamish! |
Middle J | Noah R | Collaborative | For all your efforts and the fantastic collaboration you have shown these past few weeks, particularly when welcoming students from St John’s. Your kindness and your drive to make everyone feel comfortable and included always amazes me. You have also been very present in our group discussions, offering interesting ideas and listening to others respectfully. Well done Noah! |
Senior B | Parker Jamieson | Determined Learner | For your determination in perfecting your application of Cartesian Planes. You were able to plot your series of constellations neatly onto the four quadrants, as well as correctly record the corresponding ordered pairs. Your final product was extremely well presented. Well done, Parker! |
Senior L | Daniel Dang | Collaborative Learner | For your awesome efforts during our Literature Circle activities each week! You continue to put 100% into your role tasks and display confidence when presenting to your group. I enjoy listening all about your task and what you had to do to achieve success! Well done, Daniel! |
Visual Arts | Oscar Matthews | Creative Learner | For showing a great deal of creativity and skill when creating his Frida Kahlo portrait. He adapted the task to his own particular drawing style and shared his techniques with his peers. He used his time purposefully and independently. I look forward to seeing his final creation. Well done Oscar! You’re a more skillful sketch artist than your Art Teacher. |
Visual Arts | Aiden Sheperd | Creative Learner | For showing a wonderful effort and interest in our Frida Kahlo Portrait task. Aiden had a wonderful calm energy when he walked into the lesson, he listened carefully to the task instructions and regularly checked in with me to ensure he was doing what was expected. His final portrait result was clear and reflects his own artist style. Well done Aiden and keep up the wonderful effort. |
PE | Grace Amad | Being a wonderful team player when we played a game of modified volleyball called newcomb. You not only displayed excellent catching and passing skills, but you attempted to involve others as much as you could by passing to as many people as possible ( not just your friends!). You also tried to encourage and support your team mates who were still trying to understand the game, its rotations and the catching and passing skills involved. Thanks for showing great leadership skills and team building qualities. | |
STEM | Lucia White | Proactive Learrner | Seeking assistance and guidance when unsure of the coding course she was asked to start. Lucia approached me and indicated the course was a little demanding and sought to choose one that was more suitable to her needs. She demonstrated self awareness ( knowing where she was at and where she had to go) and being proactive ( doing something about her situation). Well done Lucia on your mature attitude and initiative. |