NEWSLETTER 15 November, 2023

School Advisory Council (SAC)

All parents and carers are welcome to attend the Annual Review Meeting of the SAC on Wednesday November 29, at 7:00pm in the staff room.


This year we have two positions on the SAC that are being vacated and therefore are asking for volunteers to join us in 2024.  Meetings are held every six weeks - if you are interested in nominating, please download the attached nomination form or collect one from the office.   


There are photos of the current members of the SAC on the notice board in the under-croft, please feel free to ask any member of the council for information if you are considering applying for one of the available positions, or come and see either myself or Kate.

Family Night - Bush Dance!!

On Friday November 17 the Bush Band - 'Bushwahzee' will be at Joseph's, and will be working with the children, teaching them a good old-fashioned heel-and-toe dance, which they will then perform for families at an evening Bush Picnic in the school-yard.  


The evening will run from 6:00pm-7:30pm and families are welcome to bring a picnic rug and dinner/snack.  We will have chairs available if you require them.


Can I also remind families to complete the attendance form that was posted on Audiri earlier this week.  You can access the form via the following link:


The Student Representative Council (SRC) has organised a 'Special Food Day' to be held on Tuesday, November 28.

Children can order either a Sausage Roll or a Hot Dog for lunch on this day and may wear their favourite sports top.  An order form will be posted on Audiri this week - please be sure to fill one in for your child and return it to school by Thursday Nov 23.

PREP TRANSITION - Class of 2024

Our 2024 Preps will be joining us next week for their Transition programme on Monday Nov 20, Wednesday Nov 22 and Friday Nov 24, from 9:15am-10:45am.  Next year we have 34 Preps enrolled and will have two classes.  The current junior library/breakout space next to the prep class will be used as a classroom next year.  

On the transition days the current Preps will be supervised in the Multi-Purpose Room.


It’s amazing that we are once again at the time of the year when we are beginning our discussions for structures for 2024.  An important component of this is the regrouping of our classes. 


When determining new classes we take the following into consideration: 

❏ a balanced number of students with social, emotional and academic needs 

❏ an appropriate mix of student role models and class leaders 

❏ a balanced number of boys and girls 

❏ student friendship circles. 


Please make an appointment with me if you wish to discuss any concerns you may have that may impact your child/children’s class placement for next year. This may include particular social nuances with other students or any other extenuating circumstances. 


Please be aware that this is not an opportunity for ‘teacher shopping’, but rather to share genuine concerns about your child’s learning environment for 2024.  Also, if you are not intending to return to St Joseph’s in 2024 please contact the office as soon as possible


The school sports day will be held on Monday November 27 at George Knott Reserve (Collingwood Harriers Track).  Please let Peter Zammit know if you are able to assist in some capacity on the day - there are still a few spots to fill and your help will be greatly appreciated.



St Joseph's will be closed on Friday, Dec 01. Staff will be planning for the 2024 school year on this day.



End of Year Mass

Everyone is welcome to join us for our end of year Mass which will be held on Wednesday December 13 at 9:15am.  At this Mass we will be farewelling any families who are leaving our community, apart from the grade six graduating class families who will be acknowledged at the Graduation Mass on Thursday Dec 14.

Christmas Concert

This year we will host an evening of 'Christmas Carolling' on Thursday December 07.

Weather permitting - this will be in the school-yard commencing at 6:30pm.  In Performing Arts classes, Sarah has begun to work with each class on their performance.

Again - please 'diarise' the date!