
Year 11 Mass

Commissioning and Blessing of EMHC 

On Tuesday, we recommenced our cohort Masses with a special Year 11 Mass where Fra Oscar commissioned and blessed our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) for 2023/2024.  


Thank you to Old Boy pianist Matthew Loo (’21), Mr Testa (HOY) and all our students who had special roles during this Mass.  TC can only be a community with the incredible support of our parents and extended family and friends.  Thank you for attending and supporting your son. God bless and hopefully I will see many of you at our Friday 8:00am Community Mass.

Friday Community Mass

Friday 8.00am Mass resumed today.  Thank you to all who attended and assisted at this Mass.  A special thank you to Wilson’s 7.5 PCG and to our readers.

Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry