Instrumental Music


In week 1 of term 4 the Instrumental Music program successfully held its End of Year concert for 2023, we would like to congratulate all our students and staff involved in running the event. A total of 59 students performed on the night with 5 of them performing original songs. In addition, it was fantastic to see the debut of the Staughton Orchestral Ensemble with members being from our students in the Instrumental Music program.

Instrumental Music has also seen a new program in development called the Staughton Artist Program (SAP). The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about the music industry in areas of live recording, music production and marketing. We would like to congratulate the efforts of the students who participated in this program which has produced 3 artists who have successfully written, released and promoted their original music. We will share their original music in the near future so watch this space.