Book of the month

Wow! November already! The library continues to be a hive of activity. Between sign offs, exams, and our ongoing activity completing the ‘genrefying’ processes we have been flat out. We have also added the student requests for term 3 to our collection, these are being added to our displays and are available for student loans. 

Our overdue process is coming to an end for the year, all books must be returned before the 1st of December. No loans will be allowed after the 24th of November and the following week is allocated to finalise all loans.  Please keep checking at home and in lockers for books to return, long term overdue items must be finalized before these dates. 

Once again, enjoy the next month and we will provide further updates in December’s newsletter. 

Melinda Glennyce and Will


Melt With You by Jennifer Dugan 


Fallon is Type A, she looks before she leaps, and always has a plan (and a backup plan). Chloe is happy-go-lucky, flies by the seat of her pants, and always follows her bliss. The two girls used to be best friends, but last summer they hooked up right before Chloe left for college, and after a series of misunderstandings, they aren’t even speaking to 

each other. 


A year later, Chloe’s back home from school, and Fallon is doing everything in her power to avoid her. Which is especially difficult because their moms own a business together—a gourmet ice cream truck where both girls work. When a meeting with some promising potential investors calls their parents away at the last minute, it’s up to Fallon to work a series of important food truck festivals across the country. But she can’t do it alone, and Chloe is the only one available to help. Tensions heat up again between the two girls as they face a few unexpected detours—and more than a little roadside attraction. But maybe, just maybe, the best things in life can’t always be planned.