Vera Dudas
Multicultural Community Liaison Officer
Multicultural Committee News
Welcome back to term four! We trust you had enough time to rejuvenate and prepare for the final term.
The Multicultural Committee met on Monday 9 October. We worked productively to prepare the final touches for the Multicultural Festival. Now is the time for reflection as the Multicultural Festival was celebrated on Friday October 20th. It will be another year until we reconnect to do it all over again.
This year's highlight would have to be the theme: "Fusion" of the world - cultures come together as one, blending in, celebrating harmony and unity at NGSC. A total dazzle of magnificent costumes shone in the sun at the opening ceremony and throughout the day around the school grounds with a fusion of colours, showcasing cultural diversity at its finest. The Multicultural Festival was not only blessed with great weather, but also with a record number of visitors. There was certainly a festive feel all around. The school grounds were abuzz with sounds of music, rides, food stalls and Thomas the Tank Engine’s bell ringing. People were chatting and enjoying each other's company while soaking in the spectacular festival atmosphere.
I would like to sincerely thank Irena Walters, Carolyn Kent and Soghra Mahtabi who did a superb job with the Multicultural Festival's cake stall. They skilfully arranged the labels and pricing of the exotic home-made treats. The cakes were a hot sale from the start until the end with a constant flow of people perusing the delectable goodies.
We were very grateful for the delicious baked goods generously donated by parents, staff, students and the wider community. Special mention to our parent and past student: Dragana Skoric who kindly donated her day - sharing her culinary skills on how to make home-made pastries from scratch. Dragana also shared her signature biscuits known as “peaches” made with love and well known from her owner/operator business of the same name “The Peach Cakes and Sweets”. This is an amazing skill and fortunate for the NGSC Community she showcased and shared her skills. Our cake stall has once again lived up to its high standard, above and beyond expectations. This was our most successful cake stall of all time.
Well done everyone! Without a doubt we still continue to hold the title of the 'best home-made cake stall' in the Geelong Community.
Also, we would like to welcome for the first time newly established Vietnamese Community members and parents; Dr Ly Doan and her partner for the Vietnamese cooking demo that proved to be very popular and hands-on for participants, as well as our very own staff member, Denis cooking up a storm with his Tamil cousins.
We kindly thank all the community for their support and acknowledge the wonderful teamwork of North Geelong staff, students and parents and community. On behalf of the Multicultural Committee, I would like to thank our Event Coordinator Suzanne Henry for the magnificent Multicultural Festival, and we are all very much looking forward to next year’s event!
The next and final Multicultural Committee meeting we will be reflecting and celebrating our achievements. It will be held on Monday 6th November at lunch time (12:45pm) in the Discussion Room. Come and join us in celebrating!
Tonia Tigani
International Student Coordinator Assistant
Each Term our International Students all get together for a cooking extravaganza. This is the last one for the year and totally didn’t disappoint! Chocolate Truffles, an absolute delight for everyone. The International Students were a little sceptical about their hands getting so dirty from rolling the truffles into balls, but this was all part of the learning experience and they soon saw and tasted the final product, so this was far from their minds by the end of the activity. So delicious to both eat and share with one another. This activity brings the International Students together and shows off their cooking skills with added laughter and good memories.
Linda Castle
Japanese LOTE Teacher
Onigiri Action
#onigiriaction is on for 2023 from 4 October to 17 November 2023.
Upload any kind of image that you have created of onigiri (rice balls) with the hashtag #onigiriaction and the sponsors will donate 5 school lunches to kids in need. You can upload your images to Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram or directly on the Table for Two or the Onigiri Action 2023 websites. You do not have to be in the picture.
You can do a drawing. If you are making it, you only need cooked rice (short or medium grain works best) and maybe a little salt to bring out the umami of the rice. Nori (seaweed) is not necessary though it is very popular in Japan. Alternatively, through freerice.com (https://freerice.com), the World Food Programme raises awareness and funds for providing food around the world to people in need through every question you answer correctly (ads sponsor the food).
Please check with your family adults about what you are posting online. Be Cyber Safe!
The Japanese Film Festival returns in 2023.
This is running in Melbourne from 23 October through 5 November. Films will be screened at The Kino (Palace Cinemas, 45 Collins Street) and Palace Balwyn (231 Whitehorse Rd, Balwyn), and at ACMI, Federation Square.
Films screened at Palace Cinemas (The Kino and Balwyn) and ACMI follow the attached schedule. Please check the website https://japanesefilmfestival.net/pdf-programs/
for classification ratings. Tickets start at $20 Adult, $18 Concession, $16 JPF or Palace Cinema Members.
Please check the movie rating before buying tickets.
Last Chance to See!
The JFF+ Independent Cinema 2023 free, streaming film festival will end on October 31st. That makes this weekend your last chance to see these 12 fantastic films for free.
Check out the lineup at https://jff.jpf.go.jp/watch/ic2023/cat_films/showing/
Please check the movie rating before viewing.