Joel McDougall
Senior Sub School Manager
Celebration Day
Our Year 12 students celebrated their final day of their High School journey on Tuesday 17 October. All students who participated in the day should be proud of their behaviour and conduct; it was a true celebration of them as individuals and as a cohort. The Senior Sub School were so proud of their mature outlook on the day which involved fun and positivity. We wish them all the best for their upcoming exams, future education and work.
VCAA Exams
The VCAA Exam period has begun, and students have been busy in preparation for these exams throughout the year and especially the weeks leading up to their English exam to start them off on Tuesday 24 October. The exam period will run until Wednesday 15 November and students are reminded to check the timetable and their navigator book for all information regarding their exams, equipment and expectations.
We want to wish all our students sitting the VCAA exams all the best.
VCE VM Interviews
During the first two weeks of Term 4 our Year 12 VCE VM students sat their final interviews and shared their success and challenges across the year in their VCE VM studies. This was a fantastic opportunity for the students to not only share their work, but to also demonstrate the skills they have learnt throughout the year. It was a pleasure to be a part of this process and see how much confidence students have developed across their final year of schooling.
Year 11 VCE Exams
During week 5, Year 11 VCE students will sit their semester 2 exams. Students have been recently given a timetable for these exams on their Google Classroom. Final preparation and revision for these exams are being held in classes and we wish the students all the best in this final assessment for the year.
VCE VM Certificate Week
During week 5, the VCE VM students will complete a certificate and seminar week. Students will receive presentations from Fit2Drive and have the opportunity to achieve a CPR First Aid course certificate, complete their RSA certificate and also Food Handling Certificate presentation. These certificates will be great additions to student's resumes and will complete some prerequisites for some students to go onto their field of choice.