Paul Dawson Bradley Headlam Sarah Bridges
Brad Smallman Ryan Mills
Acting Assistant Principals
Welcome to term 4. As a school community we are looking forward to the opportunities scheduled into the final term of 2023. This is the term we farewell the Year 12 2023 cohort and watch proudly as they prepare for the next stage of their lives. To our Year 12 students, whether you are embarking on new employment, exams, future studies or travel, we thank you for your positive contributions to our school and please know you will remain valued and respected members of the NGSC family. We are incredibly proud of you, and your educational journey and wish you all the best for the next step.
Multicultural Festival
What an outstanding display of our college values, Diversity and Respect. With the theme of FUSION, students proudly represented their culture and families and the joining together in our community. The Welcome to Country by our Indigenous Elders, our school song “Woven Together”, and the parade of many students in their national dress, made us all proud. Our students showed us the future of empowered leaders who will embrace and celebrate diversity.
During the day we welcomed many community members, past staff and students, students from local schools who enjoyed the many stalls, activities and food options available. The “staff dunking” and famous cake stall were a particular favourite!
2024 Booklists
The Unit 1- 4 booklist and the instructions on how to order your books have been shared with all students. To ensure you receive your books by the beginning of Orientation Week, please ensure they are ordered by the 27th of October. Your 2024 school will begin on your first day of orientation. Hence, ensuring you are in attendance with all of your resources is important.
If you require support to purchase textbooks, don't hesitate to contact the Wellbeing department at the school.
Year 12 Celebration Day
The Class of 2023 had an awesome morning celebrating the end of 13 years of schooling. Student costumes were very creative, and they enjoyed morning tea with staff. The school captains presented awards to their peers at the assembly.
Staff awards were a hit again with a mixture of fun and appreciation coming through in all awards.
The cohort must be congratulated for the respect shown to the school community in the way that they conducted themselves and were able to celebrate the day. Their behaviour was exemplary. They are a credit to their families, friends and the school.
Academic News
During term 4 students are consolidating their learning and displaying academic growth through assessment tasks. Exams are approaching and teachers and students are revising key skills and knowledge.
Literacy and Numeracy Testing
During Week 4 the students undertook the second and final round of Literacy and Numeracy Testing for 2023. The tests are designed to ascertain accurate student levels in Reading and Numeracy and are used to assess student growth over the school year. Teachers use this important data to plan for their current and future classes. The data is also used to identify students for our Literacy and Numeracy support and extension programs (ACE and STAR). Once collated, student results for Semester Two and all other previous testing can be accessed via Compass Analytics.
Students have been provided with exam timetables. Please ensure all students have the required equipment for exams and are well rested during the exam period. Students are reminded to approach each exam with confidence and answer to the best of their ability.
2024 Orientation
Students in years 10 and 11 are participating in an orientation program that introduces them to their subjects for 2024. The college is aiming to ensure 2024 teachers will be taking the orientation classes and students are introduced to course outlines and requirements. Please ensure students have the required resources and book lists have been completed and ordered.
Incoming Year 7 Students
We are pleased to welcome new students and families to our college. Orientation days are 12th and 13th December.
2024 School Captains
The school is pleased to announce the 2024 Year 12/Student Leadership team. These students have undergone a rigorous process, including a written application, a speech and an interview.
Students are to be complimented on the quality of all applicants, exemplified by the speeches made to staff and the Year 11 cohort.
Below is a list of this year’s captains:
School Captains:
Nivetha Ranjithkumar and Paris-Junnoel Mina
Arts captain:
Aiden Veale
Community/Cultural Captain:
Nya Tut
Academic Captain:
Annalise Speed
Sports Captain:
Seth McCleish
Be Bold Be Heard
Friday 27th October saw our Middle School girls host the final Be Bold Be Heard event for 2023. Be Bold Be Heard is an initiative created by North Geelong Secondary College and has spread to include over 10 schools in the Geelong region. This forum was held at the Captain’s Room at GMHBA stadium and was a celebration of another successful year in empowering female students to discuss issues they face within school and society. This event saw many high-profile guests in attendance, including state politicians, members of the Department of Education and many other females in high levels of leadership in various professions. The girls look forward to 2024 where new members will be invited to be included in the program and build on what has already been a successful year.