Nicolas Adamou
2023 Key Dates
24 Oct to 15 Nov | VCAA Exams |
30 Oct to 3 Nov | Year 11 Exams |
6 Nov to 17 Nov | Year 11-12 Orientation |
13 Nov | Year 7 Immunisations |
20 Nov to1 Dec | Year 10 -11 Orientation |
13 Nov to 17 Nov | Year 10 Exams |
20 Nov to 24 Nov | Year 7- 8 Exams |
27 Nov to 1 Dec | Year 9 Exams |
4 Dec | Assessment and Report Writing Day |
11 Dec | Grade 6 - 7 Parent Information Evening |
12 & 13 Dec | Year 7 (2024) Orientation |
12 Dec | College Awards Evening |
From the Principal
Welcome to Term Four, the final term of this academic year. Term Four is always a very busy one with many curriculum and extra-curricular activities on our calendar.
Our Year 12 final celebration day was on October 17. It was celebrated with a special morning tea for all Year 12 students and staff and a school assembly, where the whole school community was provided with the opportunity to farewell Year 12 students. I must admit that I am very proud of this Year 12 cohort, as these students have absolutely upheld our school values and celebrated their final official day at school in an outstanding manner. I am sure that they will be successful with any future pathways they undertake.
On Friday October 20, we held our famous Multicultural Day Celebration. It was bigger and more impressive than any other year; an absolute success. The theme this year was “Fusion” which represents the fabric of our school community fused together and reflects the Australian multicultural society. The school opened its gate to the wider community to celebrate our diversity. The opening ceremony was outstanding with many dignitaries in attendance. It began with a Welcome to Country and didgeridoo performance and included the Haka, and the most colourful multicultural parade with our students dressed in their ethnic background costumes. Our school choir again sang the original song written and composed by Ms Glenda Mcgrath - Festival Co-Organiser, and teacher at the College. Our guest speaker Krushandevsinh (Kano) Ravalji, Founder, Third Culture Australia, Youth Commissioner, Victorian Multicultural Commission, articulated the meaning of multiculturalism in the Australian society through his own personal experiences in a great way.
Thank you to all invited guests, members of our school community and general public who came along to celebrate and enjoy the day.
The VCAA exams began on October 24 and will conclude on November 10. Wishing all Year 12 students undertaking their final exams Good Luck.
The Year 12 graduation evening is on November 21 at GMHBA Stadium, President’s Room. I am looking forward to celebrating our Year 12 students’ achievements with their parents, guardians, friends, and the wider school community.
Semester 2 exams for our Year 11 students, will begin on October 30, followed by the Year 12 commencement program. All other Year levels will complete their exams as the term progresses. More information about the exams timetables will be provided by the Sub-School Leaders and Year level Coordinators.
Our Awards Presentation evening will be on Tuesday, December 12.
Wishing you all a very productive term.
2024 School Captains/Leaders
It is with great pleasure that I present the 2024 School Captains to our school community. These dedicated individuals will lead North Geelong Secondary College to new heights in the coming year. Each of these students has demonstrated remarkable commitment to our school community and embodies the spirit of leadership, service, and the school values.
Congratulations to: Nivetha Ranjithkumar - School Captain, Paris Mina - School Captain, Annalise Speed - Academic Captain, Aiden Veale Arts Captain, Seth McCleish – Sports Captain and Nya Tut - Community/Cultural Captain. Welcome to the NGSC Leadership Team!
Nivetha Ranjithkumar and Paris Mina will serve as our School Captains, guiding and inspiring their fellow students. Their dedication and passion for our school are truly admirable.
Annalise Speed will take on the role of Academic Captain, encouraging academic excellence among our student body. Her commitment to learning is truly inspiring.
Aiden Veale, our Arts Captain, will bring creativity and innovation to our school's arts programs, fostering a thriving artistic community.
Seth McCleish, as Sports Captain, will encourage sportsmanship, teamwork, and physical fitness among our students.
Nya Tut will lead as our Community/Cultural Captain, promoting community engagement and cultural diversity within our school.
Together, they make up a dynamic and diverse leadership team that will guide our school through a year of growth, unity, and success. We have every confidence in their abilities and look forward to their contributions to North Geelong Secondary College. Welcome to the NGSC Leadership Team!
Nivetha Ranjithkumar
School Captain
Paris Mina
School Captain
Annalise Speed
Academic Captain
Aiden Veale
Arts Captain
Seth McCleish
Sports Captain
Nya Tut
Cultural Captain
There will be a special whole school assembly in early November to introduce the school captains to the whole school community.
Also, there will be a special morning tea with the Principal to welcome our new leaders to the NGSC Leadership Team. During the morning tea the school captains will have the opportunity to discuss and present their views and their plans for next year. This is one of the moments that, as Principal of this proud community, I look forward to hearing and discussing fresh views and ideas about schooling.
School captains and other students in leadership positions play a vital role in the operations and life of the College. They act as role models for the student body and provide leadership across a wide range of activities within the school community, including sports, the creative arts, culture, technology, and general life of our school life.
To be selected as a student leader at NGSC, students must have demonstrated a commitment to the values of the school, have a record of involvement in all aspects of the school life and have shown a willingness to serve the needs of others. Although not all Year 12 students are School Captains, all are leaders.
Once again, congratulations to our 2024 School Leaders! My Principal Team and I are looking forward to working with them to continue carving a successful path for our school, achieving great outcomes for all.
Scholarship presentations to the 2024 Year 7 recipients
North Geelong Secondary College SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM
“Providing opportunities for excellence”.
Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in gaining a scholarship for Year 7 and 8. Also congratulations to their respective primary schools for the wonderful work they do, supporting their students to perform to very high levels.
I am looking forward to presenting these young scholars with their scholarships and celebrating their achievements with their family and school community.
Academic Excellence - Hamish Dodemaide, Manifold Heights Primary School
The Academic Excellence Scholarship is available to students with an exemplary academic record who have demonstrated outstanding application and achievement in one or more of English, Mathematics or Science, together with a strong performance in general studies.
Hamish was presented with the academic excellence scholarship on Monday morning October 23, at a whole school assembly at Manifold Heights Primary School. We are looking forward to having Hamish at NGSC for the next six years.
Student Leadership presentation – Oliver Reed, Herne Hill Primary School
The Student Leadership Scholarship is available to students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The successful applicant(s) will have excellent communication skills, display initiative, and have a passion to motivate, delegate, guide, and direct fellow students.
Oliver was presented with the student leadership scholarship on Friday October 13, at a whole school assembly at Herne Hill Primary School. We are looking forward to having Oliver at NGSC for the next six years.
Community (Good Citizenship) – Azra Sultan Kuru, Rollins Primary School
The Community (Good Citizenship) Scholarship is available to students who have made a significant demonstrable contribution to their community. The successful applicant(s) will display a strong social conscience as well as an outstanding work ethic and behaviour.
Azra was presented with the Community, (Good Citizenship) scholarship on Friday afternoon October 23, at a whole school assembly at Rollins Primary School. We are looking forward to having Azra at NGSC for the next six years.
Sporting Excellence - Lachlan Flett, Teesdale Primary School
The Sporting Excellence Scholarship is available to keen sportspersons who have shown outstanding aptitude and personal achievement in one or many sporting field(s).
The Sporting Excellence will be presented to Lachlan on Friday November 3, at a whole school assembly at Teesdale Primary School.
The Arts - Sayde Woolley, Lara Lake Primary School
The Arts scholarship is available to students who have displayed excellence and shown commitment in one or more of the Arts areas (such as: Drama, Music, Dance or Visual Arts). Successful applicants should have a record of involvement in all aspects of primary school life in addition to artistic talent.
The Arts scholarship will be presented to Sayde on Friday November 17, at a whole school assembly at Lara Lake Primary School.
2024 Year 9 and 10 Scholarship Recipients
Every year, the College allocates 4 scholarships to the value of approximately $4000.00 for NGSC Year 8 students going into Year 9, for two years. The students are selected based on their written application, multiple references, and their ability to articulate their vision on how they could lead the student body and contribute to the life of the school.
Congratulations to the following students who have been the scholarship recipients for the next two years.
Lincoln Peel
Charlotte Washington
Emmett Baum
Rushneet Gill
2024 Year 11 and 12 Scholarship Recipients
This year for the first time the school has extended the scholarship program to Year 10 students for a two-year scholarship for Years 11 and 12. This program aims to recognise the outstanding commitment of students who have displayed outstanding results in the following four academic areas: English, Mathematics, Humanities and Science.
These scholarships will be presented on the Awards Presentation Evening on December 12.
Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in gaining a subject scholarship for Year 11 and 12.
Caitlin Jennings
Dean Smilevski
Gloria Baraka
Marli Phillips
$200 Get Active vouchers are back!
The $200 vouchers are available for children under 18 who reside in Victoria. Only one voucher is available per eligible child.
Each voucher can be used to pay for memberships, registration fees, uniforms, and equipment across a wide range of sporting codes and recreation activities.
Applications will close once the available vouchers have been applied for; and are to be used by 30 April 2024.
Families can also claim reimbursement for expenses incurred from 8 May 2023.
To be eligible, children must also be:
• named on an Australian Health Care Card and Medicare card, or
• named on an Australian Pensioner Concession Card and Medicare card, or
• living in Victorian care services, or
• the child of a parent or guardian who holds a temporary or provisional visa or have their own, or
• the child of a parent or guardian who holds an international student visa or have their own, or
• an undocumented migrant
For more information on the voucher and to apply, please visit: