Junior School, South Plympton

Morgan Venter, Junior School Pastoral Coordinator and Year 1 Teacher

On this page:

  • Year 5 Leadership Training
  • French Celebration Week at South Plympton
  • Community Christmas Night

Year 5 Leadership Training 

Our Year 5 students from Brooklyn Park and South Plympton campus attended a training day together, preparing them for their leadership roles as they move into Year 6 in 2024. 

The day was filled with activities, opportunities to connect and share with one another and learn from some of the best leaders as seen in the Bible. 


We started our morning with singing and praising God together, worshipping His name and giving thanks for who He made us to be. Mr Joel Overweel led us in a devotion to help challenge us to think of ourselves as leaders in all spheres of our lives. As leaders, we are challenged to walk with eyes fixed wholeheartedly on God, be courageous individuals who stand up for what is right and lead with compassion, serving others with humility and grace.


Students engaged in several other sessions that looked at different aspects of leadership throughout the day. Each child was challenged to think that each person has a part to play. We explored character traits that good leaders possess and shared a research assignment with one another, which explored leaders in the Bible that we admire and can learn from. 


It was such a privilege to share this day together with all students from both campuses. Our South Plympton students especially enjoyed connecting with new people and playing on the beautiful Nature Playground that is on offer at Brooklyn Park!


May you join us in prayer for our Year 5 students as they get ready to take on the responsibility to lead our Junior Schools in the year to come. May they shine as lights of God’s goodness, care and service for the students and community at Emmaus, and bring glory and honour to His name in all they do!

French Celebration Week at South Plympton

 Our Junior School students, ranging from Foundation to Year 6 at South Plympton, participated in an exciting and dynamic French Celebration Week filled with numerous activities aimed at enhancing their enthusiasm for learning French. The diverse range of activities centred around aspects such as culture, learning, challenges, and community building.


As part of this engaging week, Year 8 French students took the initiative to read French books they had personally created to the Foundation to Year 2 students. They also imparted new vocabulary, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among the students.


Additionally, our Year 6 student leaders and the Year 10 French students played an important role in the flipping crepe competition, contributing to the success and enjoyment of the event. Their participation showcased their commitment to both the French language and the overall school community.


Neven Daoud,

French Key Teacher (1-12)


Community Christmas Night 

  • Friday 24 November
  • 5.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Emmaus Christian College South Plympton Oval 

You're invited to the South Plympton Oval to enjoy a community picnic dinner! 

Bring your picnic blankets, pillows and chairs. 

From 6pm the children will go to their class teacher who will supervise them until the conclusion of the evening. 


Each class choir group will entertain you with a selection of songs. This will be broken up by a performance and community singing led by our Senior School Worship band.


Please invite grandparents and extended family to celebrate with us as a community. 

We are also going to invite our College neighbours to showcase our College and to bless them in the lead up to Christmas. 


All Junior School students are expected to attend. 


All students will wear their school uniform with Christmas additions. Your child’s class teacher will let you know what these accessories will involve.