DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching
Dear Parents /Guardians,
I hope the term is progressing well for you and your children.
This term I have been visiting classes, it has been a privilege to see our expert teachers work with their classes; there is a strong relationship between teachers and students and between students. I have been very impressed with the collaboration between students, their application to their work and the questions they are asking. This week I spent time in Year 11 classes and saw teachers helping prepare their classes for exams as well as preparing them for what is expected in Year 12. I saw students use a variety of revision techniques – using cue cards, Quizlet, notification, testing each other, braindump, rewriting notes and completing practice questions.
Year 11 and 10 students should have started their revision for their exams which start on Tuesday 14th November and Thursday 16th November respectively. In the last newsletter, I gave some strategies about doing the best during exam time. As Year 10 and 11 students are still refining their exam preparation and revision techniques, here are a few reminders for preparing for exams
Students have all heard these tips and many more both from their teachers and from Elevate Education who have come to the school to run workshops with students. Parents can also access the Parent Webinar series here
Student subject allocations and booklists will be sent out in the coming week.
Students moving into Year 9 – 12 are able to request a change in subjects. Subject change forms will be posted on Compass on November 8th November and need to be handed into student reception on or before 15 November fully completed with all required signatures.
Please also be aware that due to timetabling restrictions, there is no guarantee that students can change subjects.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching