Catholic Identity & Mission News

In the rhythms of the school year, there are markers where shifts in focus occur. We have a great build up to the graduation of our Year 12 students and after that, our thoughts and planning start to turn to preparing the next school leaders and looking towards their vision for 2024. We feel very grateful for all those students who offered to serve at leaders for next year and were delighted to announce a strong student executive for next year on both campuses. One of their first jobs will be, along with the new House Captains, to vote on 2024’s annual theme. In the realm of Catholic Identity and Mission, the annual theme is an influential driver in all that we do. Each year, staff and student leaders select a theme from scripture which adds a particular focus to our prayer life, actions, and attitudes for the school year. Currently, we are in the process of shortlisting some ideas for 2024 and these will then be voted on to see which one connects with members of our College community at this time.
This year’s theme has been ‘Let your light shine’. Taken from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel, it has reminded us of the many precious gifts, qualities, and opportunities we are provided and encourages us to use them for the common good and the greater glory of God. It is a theme that has resonated very well with students and staff this year, and has complemented our College motto, ‘Be not afraid’. It has emboldened students and encouraged them to be their authentic selves. It supports our ROCKS and urges all of us to be our very best.
At our Clyde North Year 12 Graduation Mass, Fr Denis O’Bryan presented a powerful homily which brought together the experiences of our Year 12’s, the challenges and changes they would likely face moving forward and he encouraged them to live extraordinary lives and to ‘Let their lives shine’. With his permission, I leave you with some excerpts here:
We celebrate the Graduation of Year 12 students every year.
Indeed, it may look the same very year, but it never is. Because every one of us is utterly unique.
Every one of us is uniquely made in the image of God. We are not made for ordinary lives…Let your light shine.
For those of us who are Baptised, and who live our Baptism, we are not only uniquely made in the image of God; we can live with the very power of God’s life within us.
This is not for any ordinary life; we are called to be anything but ordinary…we are called to be one in a thousand, each one of us…Let your light shine.
I say this knowing that most people do not let their unique light shine for the world…they opt instead to be just like everyone else.
….It takes courage to not opt to be just like everyone else.
Peter walked on water. We have lost the art of walking on water, doing what seems impossible.
People who opt for just an ordinary life will never walk on water…people who do not give way to fear before other people, but who trust in Jesus, will walk on water…it’s an art to be recovered…Let your light shine.
Our world awaits you, a world that in many ways has opted to be ordinary. It provides wonderful individual opportunities, but in many ways is shrouded in a darkness, longing for light.
Our beautiful natural world longs for people to love it and care for it, and not simply use it for our own advantage.
Our world does not know how best to walk the path of Reconciliation with our indigenous sisters and brothers, or with the poor and disadvantaged who live all around us.
We live in a world of violent and merciless conflicts; it’s a picture of a godless world…Millions of people live as refugees, without hope..
We live in a world where people wonder if there is any other way than opting for the ordinary life, just like everyone else, opting out of the hope that it could be any different…so much depression and anxiety, even despair.
…Year 12 graduates, don’t opt to simply be like everyone else. Be one in a thousand…Can you imagine how the world would be then, a world of love, joy, justice, and peace.
Let your light shine!!!
Ms Fiona McKenna
Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission