General News

From the Archives
Congratulations to the Class of 2023.
The graduation of the Class of 2023 prompted a search of the College archives and revealed some interesting facts about former years and the graduates of St. Peter’s College.
The first students that attended St. Peter’s College graduated from St. Francis Xavier College as St. Peter’s College was known as St Francis Xavier, Junior Campus and did not conduct VCE classes in the initial years of the College. One such graduate was Emma Ingles (nee Clancy). She is the daughter of the first chairman of the College Board, John Clancy and was the first ex-student to return to St. Peter’s College as a student.
The first class to graduate from St. Peter’s College was the Class of 1996. Monica Leongue was the Dux of the College for that year. Another graduate was James Lawlor who was the first graduate of the College to return as a teacher.
The Rock, 1997 provides a record of the achievements and whereabouts of the first graduates. Some went on to university: Australian Catholic University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Ballarat University, Deakin University, Melbourne University and Victoria University of Technology were all points of further education for the graduates.
Others went on to study at RMIT (as it was known in 1997), Swinburne and Holmsglen TAFE. Still others went to institutions such as Peninsula TAFE and Casey TAFE.
Some graduates chose apprenticeships and employment. The Rock list is very comprehensive and is a fascinating record of the first graduating class.
Mr. Mark Murphy, the Senior School Co-Ordinator said, “To the Year 12s. I wish you every success in whatever field of endeavour you choose to pursue and realise that St. Peter’s will always be here if you need anything.”
The same thoughts follow the Class of 2023.
St. Peter, Pray for Us.
Greg Nelson
College Archivist
VET Hospitality - Clyde North
Vet Hospitality students attended the RACV Healesville Country Club on the 20th October. Students commenced with a tour of the establishment, visiting the different departments: Front and Back of House. They explored the range of career positions available in the industry, such as, spa and wellbeing centre, food and beverage, housekeeping, events, ground maintenance etc . It was a wonderful opportunity for the students to experience first hand where their studies may take them.
Mrs Jeannette Valencia
VET Hospitality Teacher - Clyde North
2023 Arts and Design Technology Exhibition
The 2023 Arts and Design Technology Exhibition at the Clyde North Campus proved to be a very successful evening presented for the first time in the GEODE centre (St. Martha Building), and I would like to thank you our community for your support. We were able to gather not only to admire the fruits of our students' labour but to celebrate their evolution as artists, designers, thinkers, and innovators. We acknowledge their ability to harness the power of technology to elevate their artistic expressions, a vital skill to employees of the future no matter what industry. The artist Gustav Klimt said ‘art is drawing a line around your thoughts’ and when you see these artworks I think you would agree that the ideas and diversity expressed by our students is extensive. Creativity and problem solving are considered to be critical skills for the 21 st century and it is what we do well in the Arts and Technology. We develop well rounded learners who take risks and step outside of their comfort zones. It makes us very proud to see the successes of so many of our young people.
Congratulations to all involved. I would also like to acknowledge all of the dedicated staff who spend so much time with our students and everyone who helped put this exhibition together, as it is certainly a team effort. I would also like to thank Senior’s Art Supplies, Zart Art, Bunnings, and Jay for donating prizes and vouchers to the students listed below who have been recognised for excellence in the Visual Arts and Technology.
Congratulations must be also be extended to Sian Fraser for winning the 2023 Principal’s Prize for Art with acrylic painting on canvas titled ‘In Progress’, and Josh De Nava for the Principal’s Prize for Technology.
The following prizes were awarded:
Congratulations again to all of these students.
Ms Vivienne Hayes - Arts Coach & Mr Damien Cardona - Design Technology Coach