From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
The focus of the world currently is unavoidably focussed on the significant troubles in the Middle East. The images are confronting and depict a brutal war that is raging. This week our students in tutor group have turned to prayer for all who have been impacted whether through the loss of loved ones, the destruction of homes and the inevitable dislocation. Much of the description centres on the humanitarian crisis which is emerging. Prayer can be a source of comfort as well as an outward display of solidarity with the victims. Pope Francis has called on the Catholic community to dedicate today, Friday October 27 as a day of fasting and prayer. It is in this context that I offer up a prayer for the peoples of the Middle East.
Two peoples, one land,
Three faiths, one root,
One earth, one mother,
One sky, one beginning, one future, one destiny,
One broken heart, One God.
We pray: Grant us a vision of unity.
May we see the many in the one and the one in the many.
May you, Life of All the Worlds, Source of All Amazing Differences help us to see clearly.
Guide us gently and firmly toward each other, toward peace.
Rabbi Sheila Weinberg
Farewell to the Class of 2023
Last week we farewelled our Class of 2023 in style. They were superb in the way they celebrated. In discussions in the lead up to their celebrations we spoke about three themes: Respect, Relationships and Legacy. Students were challenged to ensure their reputation was enhanced and their legacy enriched by the way they presented themselves through the trilogy of celebrations. Collectively they did us proud but more importantly they did themselves proud. Our Year 12 assemblies were outstanding and we were overwhelmed by the number of parents and families in attendance. The shared BBQ afterwards was a highlight as staff, parents and students mingled and chatted. Our Valedictory masses were significant as they signified once again the importance of their faith education ended at St Peter’s. Finally, the Valedictory dinner was a fitting celebratory conclusion where parents could celebrate and reflect with joy on their son’s or daughter’s achievements. For those students commencing their exam program, our thoughts and prayers are with you all. For those who have exited the gates of St Peter’s for the last time and have moved on to new pathways and journeys we once again wish you all the very best for the journey ahead.
Student Leaders Named
Please join me in congratulating our student leaders of 2024. The process for selecting our leaders contains three separate, yet interwoven processes. It includes: a written application, a speech to the College community and a formal interview. The final decision is based around these three processes with both the student and staff vote a significantly influential factor within the selection process. I congratulate our college leaders for 2024 and acknowledge also the many students who missed out. It speaks volumes for all the candidates that they were prepared to put themselves forward for consideration.
We have an impressive group of individuals who collectively are now charged with the responsibility of supporting and leading our student body. The two teams of eight young people, one team on each campus, will be co-responsible for enriching the culture and further enhancing the sense of community of the College. The 2024 leaders spoke of the pride they have in belonging to the St.Peter’s College community and have expressed a wish to enhance that sense of pride in others.
Our College Captains and Executive Leaders of 2024, from this point on, are called upon to:
● Demonstrate a commitment to serve our College Community at every opportunity.
● Display a commitment to be an effective team player.
● Make a commitment to leave the college in a better place than they found it.
● Possess a passion to develop the student voice.
● To be that positive influence on all those they meet
● To further develop a sense of pride in being a member of the St. Peter’s College community
The College Leaders for 2024 are:
Stay well and wishing all peace for the week ahead.
Mr Chris Black