Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 4, Term 4

🗓️ Dates for Term 4: 

1st November: Grandparents Day, 9.30 - 11am

15th November: Prep Concert - Sky Colour

20th - 24th November:  Swimming (every day of the week)


🏫 Getting ready for Grade 1: We are now in the final term of Prep. We are encouraged by the number of Preps who confidently use the 'Kiss and Drop' area and independently come into the classroom to get ready for the day. There are teachers on duty to supervise students during this time. This ability is an asset that they will carry into Grade 1.  

By now, students should be saying goodbye outside the classroom, entering on their own and unpacking their bag independently. It is important that every child is greeted as they enter, in order to make connections with their teacher and peers. It also builds a sense of confidence and resilience when they can set themselves up successfully for the day. 

As part of their preparation for Grade 1, we are continuing to commence our reading group learning at 9am. 


🎒Prep 2024 Transition morning: On Wednesday 25th of October, the 2024 Preps will be having their second transition morning at school. Once again, our current Preps will go down to the BER with the their school bag, where they will spend the morning with their buddies. They will return to their Prep room after recess. 


🎶 Prep Concert: The Prep concert is on the 15th of November and we are busily singing our songs to prepare for it. Remember to keep practicing your lines at home!


🗞️ News Groups for Wednesday 25th October: 'I have discovered that I can now ...' Share what you can do! (eg. it might be a skill you have learnt like tying your shoes, making your bed, helping in the garden or looking after a pet)


📚 Reading 

Students will question as they read by using the phrase, "I wonder why ...?" Readers who question help with their understanding and enjoyment of the story.

Alongside the reading comprehension strategies that are being, students continue to develop and practise their skills of decoding new words by applying their phonemic knowledge.


What can you do at home?

-Log into Reading Eggs and find a suitable text (remember to change the age for 5 - 7 years old).

-Assist your child to read their take home book each night and their magic words. 

-Help your child to read with expression and fluency as they read. 

-As you read, question and wonder "why?" Eg. "I wonder why the character did that?"


🔡 Phonics 

This week we will be learning the digraph of  'oy' (as in toy), and revising 'oi' (as in coin). A digraph is two letters that make one sound.


What you can do at home?

-Revise the digraphs 'oi' and 'oy'.

-What words can you find that have 'oy' and 'oi' your take home books or magic words?

-Use your sound ring to continue to practise letter names and the sounds they make. Play some games using the sound ring cards (ideas are on the ring). 


📝 Writing 

Students will listen to a Franklin story in reading, which they will then write about. They will write in first person (using 'I') to 'become' the character of Franklin.

They will continue to work on their handwriting, using dotted thirds as a guide. 


What can you do at home?

-Continue to encourage correct pencil grip (pointer on top).

-Practise writing names in school writing, with one capital letter at the beginning of their name.

-Encourage correct formation of letters.

-If your child writes at home, assist them to hear and write the sounds in words. 


🔢  Maths 

Students will revise their knowledge of 2D shapes, and they will also learn about 3D shapes. The 3D shapes we will focus on are spheres, cubes, cones and cylinders. Students will learn about this in a variety of ways, such as through group discussions, playing games, challenging tasks and hands on play. 


What can you do at home? 

-Explore the Mathseeds app on the iPad. You might want to choose games / tasks that involve the concept of 2D and basic 3D shapes. 

-We have attached an online game below about 2D shapes, which you might want to try:


🌏 CBL - Discovery 🔎

We will continue to explore our 5 senses and how we discover new things by using them to explore the world around. 


💻 Cybersafety

Students will categorise daily activities and discover ways that technology can be used to live, learn and play.