From the Principal

Term 4 is always a busy time. It's when when we try to celebrate our successes, finalise our plans for the year, as well as preparing new and exciting plans for the new year ahead.
Class lists are being finalised and student placements will be sent home next week. Moving up day is Tuesday, when students will get to visit their new classes and meet their new teachers. This can be a nervous time for students and you might find your child is anxious or disappointed with the class placement. Please keep in mind that a lot of thorough and detail goes into placing students every year to ensure they get the best mix of social development and access to teaching and learning.
Reports will also come home next week. As ever, bear in mind that these are a snapshot of learning, and that departmental expectations of all students are that they are operating at the "C" Satisfactory level. It is always tempting to be disappointed by a report card full of C grades, but remember this indicates that your child is meeting the expected standard for their year level. Grades of B and A should be a rarity, rather than an expectation. A key factor in how your child responds to their report card will be how you as a parent respond to it.
We farewell our Year 6 Graduates, who graduated this week in grand style, and we look forward to the next steps they will take. We also look forward to welcoming the new Receptions into school, many of whom we have already worked with in the Children's Centre and who will graduate from the children's center this week.
We farewell several staff this year, some moving on to new roles, others moving to new schools and all will be sadly missed. We will miss the loss of knowledge, skills and care from Paula Binder, Danielle Gracinin and Lauren Mom.
Returning staff will take a well earned break and return ready to teach and connect with students on Monday the 29th of January, 2024. Staff will be in the yard on day 1 to support students entering their new classes.
OSHC services will be available throughout the school holidays, except between December 22nd & January 5th when the school will close down completely.
Lastly, I would like to thank the entire WGS community for their hard work and support this term. Stepping into a new role can present a lot of challenges, but feeling the support of the community certainly makes this an easier step. To the staff who stepped into new roles or supported us this term, a heartfelt thankyou. To the families who have connected with us on sports day, graduation, indigenous Expos, school basketball and school concerts this term, thank you for your contribution.
We wish you a well earned holiday season and look forward to seeing you all again in 2024.