Before & After school care

Welcome back everybody! We have had a wonderful time in OSHC this week, children have enjoyed new activity's and catching up after the break! Its been wonderful to meet some of our new prep children. Please see below an awesome art work from Constance, well done! We are introducing a 'Child Voice' wall where children can vote for the next planned special activity of the week in before/after school care for next week- Paint a pot plant has been the winner this time! We will be running this next week- BSC - 4/2/25 which is also Courtney's last day for the next week and a half whilst she is getting married and coordinator Darcee will be covering for this short time. :) Thursday 5th we are building habitats out of blocks and loose parts, book now to join in the fun! Thankyou for reading.


PFD Information- Expression of interest to book for the next pupil free day 11/3/25! OSHC will run a full day of care IF there is enough interest, please book or contact us next week.

PREPS- If you require care for your child on Wednesday's please see the attachment here!


Constance- Artwork activity
Constance- Artwork activity
Children's voice- Choosing our special activities
Children's voice- Choosing our special activities