Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
Hello from our students and teachers
Respect, Responsibility and Kindness
To start off the term the students in Grade 5/6 C&P created their own dragon. In order to gain to inspiration, we read through some of the descriptions provided in the, 'Wings of Fire,' books. Students were encouraged to describe and then draw their dragon. Here are our creations.
The focus for the start of the term has been on place value. Students have practised reading, ordering and renaming numbers to one million and beyond. We have worked together, independantly and as a group to find out more about large numbers and started off by reading, 'How Much is a Million?'. This is a fantastic book that helped us to understand just how big one million actually is! Below are some pictures of us working on renaming numbers in class.
Every Thursday afternoon, under Miss Perley's guidance, students have the opportunity to explore their passions and interests. They can choose to work together or independently on activities such as sketching, knitting, sewing, writing, building, and creating. The students have already been actively involved in these projects, and it has quickly become a favourite part of the week