Term 1 Calendar 2025

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Term 1 calendar.

Monday 17

Goal Setting meetings this week.

Sushi lunch orders due.

Tuesday 18

8:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!

Goal setting meetings.

6pm School Council meeting.

Wednesday 19

Foundation students absent.

Goal setting meetings.

Sushi lunch order day.

Thursday 20

8:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!

Goal setting meetings.

Friday 21Goal setting meetings.
Monday 24 
Tuesday 258:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!
Wednesday 26

Foundation students absent.

SSG meetings- Nicole Lowe will be in touch if we are booking a time with you.

Thursday 27

8:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!

SSG meetings- Nicole Lowe will be in touch if we are booking a time with you.

Friday 28

School's Clean Up Australia Day.

SSG meetings- Nicole Lowe will be in touch if we are booking a time with you.

Monday 3 
Tuesday 48:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!
Wednesday 5

Foundation students at school on Wednesdays.

School photo day!!

Thursday 68:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!
Friday 78:15am Walk to School morning. Meet Carolyn and Kim Kirkpatrick at the Garden Gully playground.
Monday 10Labour Day holiday.
Tuesday 11Curriculum Day. No students at school.
Wednesday 12NAPLAN testing for grades 3 and 5 students starts today.
Thursday 138:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!
Friday 14 
Monday 17 
Tuesday 18

8:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!

Whole school Athletics Day.

Wednesday 19 
Thursday 208:25am Breakfast Club in the multipurpose room. All welcome!