Sustainability @ TPPS

Welcome back to Sustainability! We have had a great start to the year. This semester our Preps, Grade 5s and Grade 6s are working in Sustainability.
Our brand new Sustainability Representatives got their badges at Assembly on Friday. We are very proud of them already! On the 7th of March, they will be participating in Clean Up Australia Day at Templestowe Reserve.
Our Sustainability Captains, Abby and Ava, have been working hard since the very first day of school, making sure the chickens are fed every day and collecting their eggs. I know they also have some other keen Grade 6 volunteers who love checking on the hens!
Thanks so much to all those amazing students!
Our gorgeous new Preps have done a wonderful job getting used to school and learning all about rubbish and our classroom bins. They have been practising choosing which bin to put their rubbish into, and learning about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
Our little buckets are for food scraps, and we make lovely compost with them!
Our blue bins are for paper only. This gets taken away and recycled.
Our red bins are for landfill rubbish. Anything that can’t be recycled.
Our yellow bins are for recyclable plastic containers, tin cans and small cardboard items. These go away in a truck to be recycled too!
Grade 5 have been very busy composting food scraps, learning about the carbon cycle and making little treasures out of clay. Did you know that there are 3 main types of soil?
The students had fun exploring the properties of clay. They found out it can be moulded, and smoothed out with water.
Grade 6 students have worked really well in Sustainability this month, delving into the details of how to check if our hens are healthy as well as how and why humans have kept chickens over history.
Our little flock of chickens has been very well cared for over the summer holidays and hot days by a team of dedicated parent volunteers. They have really been enjoying their frozen watermelon treats!
A huge thank you to the Milne, Montagu, Ye, Pirnia, Dayani, Doig, Van Dugteren, Devanathan, Popescu, Afshar, Madden, Claringbould, Raftopoulos and Chen families. As well as the Whitelocks for looking after the worm farm! I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, but you are all so appreciated!
A special thanks to Greg who has made a fantastic frame for our chicken garden. We will be growing sprouts for the hens to eat inside it!