Junior School

The Preps are loving school! We have been learning our letters and numbers. We love the pattern blocks, the playground, listening to stories and all our specialist teachers!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
This week, we were thrilled to welcome a new member to our Year 1 class! Anna settled in beautifully, joining us on our exciting learning adventures.
The children have embraced hands-on learning as they eagerly hammered nails and painted their finished creations, reinforcing our spelling words in a fun and engaging way.
We also celebrated our students’ excellent manners, receiving the treasured Library Award! We love borrowing books and listening to captivating stories read by Mrs Nield.
In Maths, we have explored numbers up to 100 through a fun partner game that filled the room with laughter and teamwork. It’s been a fantastic few weeks of learning, creativity, and collaboration in Year 1!
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
This week the Year 2's went on a little scavenger hunt around the school to find some natural, managed and built environments as part of our Connecting to Places unit. We have also begun researching some significant places in Warrnambool, such as Moyjil, using our laptops!
In Maths this week, we have been looking at skip counting and place value. We've played lots of games to practice these skills, and even created a 'place value zoo'! The Year 2's have also conducted some interviews with family members at home, and shared their adorable baby photos as part of our Science Inquiry for Living Things. Students had a glance into the future as they brainstormed and explored how they might look when they are all grown up and what facial features would change!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Year 3 has been busily working away, settling into new routines for the year, and enjoying the new Dojo system by spending Dojos in the Dojo store.
We have created our own Emotional First Aid Kits, as we are learning about how to regulate our emotions and be the best learners that we can be throughout the day. In this kit, we have made decisions around things that work best for each of us individually to get us back on track with our learning. We have also made our own “Ready to Learn” scales and are learning about how to move to better ‘zones’ when we are not quite ready to learn.
Last Friday, we were really proud to have Cayden and Jack compete at the Year 4 - 12 Swimming Carnival. They did such a great job participating in something that is more than a little scary for someone in Year 3! We were lucky enough to go down and watch them for some of the morning and had a great time cheering on our houses and showing our team spirit!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
What an incredible day it was for our Year 4 students as they dove into their very first Swimming Carnival! The energy, enthusiasm, and sportsmanship on display were simply outstanding. From the first splash to the final relay, our Year 4 swimmers gave it their all, showing courage, determination, and plenty of team spirit. Whether it was powering through the freestyle, mastering the backstroke, or simply giving it a go, every student should be extremely proud of their efforts.
Now, as we swap goggles for running shoes, we turn our focus to Athletics! Training is in full swing as we prepare for the much-anticipated Junior School Athletics Carnival. Students are sharpening their skills in sprints, long jump, shotput, and relays, with plenty of fun and friendly competition ahead.
Christie Stephen
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5
Year 4/5 have had a great few weeks of learning and fun. Everyone had a great Swimming Carnival and despite the inclement weather, put in their best efforts and had fun.
In Maths, we have been covering 12 and 24 hour time, as well as measuring the volume of a solid by water displacement, among lots of other topics.
Everyone is getting into our novel study of Paper Planes and practicing their procedural writing. This has also resulted in a few paper plane competitions and some very interesting ways to fold them.
We are also learning all about our consumer rights and how to go about asserting those rights in Humanities, while Science is starting to build up to some exciting discoveries learning about solids, liquids and gases.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
In Art, Year 6 have been designing and making "All About Me" jars. They each had a series of questions they had to answer in pictorial form. The questions were:
- How old are you?
- What is your name?
- Who are the people in your family?
- What pets do you have?
- What career might you like to have?
- Where do you live?
- What places do you want to travel to?
- Where do you go to school?
- What is your favourite book?
- What is your favourite movie?
- What sports do you play?
- What do you look like?
- What holidays have you been on?
- What hobbies do you have?
The class have worked very hard over the last few weeks filling the outside of their jars with images that answer all of those questions. Then when they were done they filled their jars with Bible verses that they can draw out as needed, to be encouraged or reminded of things. They have to come up with a symbol to draw on each type of verse. The verses remind them that God loves them, encourage them when they are sad, reassure them when they are worried, and guide them when they need direction. The last set of verses they needed to complete were ten of their favourite Bible verses. We hope you enjoy the photos of our All About Me jars.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher
Junior Gideon Program
Junior Gideon is off to a great start for the year!
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters - Colossians 3:23
Steph Kosh
Junior School Gideon Teacher