Middle School

3/4 NP & 3/4 JS

Welcome back everyone! We have had a fantastic start to the year with everyone settled and ready to learn. 


Reading: In our reading sessions we have been sharing Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and answering questions about the text. Students have been writing answers in complete sentences by using part of the question in their answer. Students have also been practising rereading text to find the answer to questions.


Writing: In writing, students have been working on narratives. They have consolidated their understanding of sizzling starts, setting the scene and completing their story with a strong finish. They are practising keyboard skills by typing their completed work. 


Maths: Place value revision, vertical addition and multiplication and worded problems have been our maths focus so far this term. Students are learning to read the question thoroughly, highlight relevant numbers, decide on the maths that is needed and show their working out. 


Humanities: This term we are learning about Australian history. Students have chosen two defining moments in history from 1700 - 1800 to research. They are then choosing how they would like to present their learning.