Junior School
Prep AA 1/2LP 1/2BD
Junior School
Prep AA 1/2LP 1/2BD
Hello families,
Welcome to our first official newsletter! Thank you all for starting our school year with such positivity. The students are all settled, happy and starting every day ready to learn.
This term our main focus has been ensuring all students are starting the school day with a positive disposition, happy to be in Prep AA and fostering peer relationships. We have been learning to respect others when they are speaking and any educators that come to teach us and understanding the gradual release model of learning in our room. (I do, we do, you do).
So far in Term One, we have learnt the sounds m, s , f , a , p and t.
The students have learnt to identify these sounds in simple three letter words, form the letters and begin blending these sounds together.
As we move forward into week five, we will begin sending readers and diaries home with students and this will be an amazing opportunity for students to practise these skills at home and show you their skills!
We have been practicing letter formation, in our books on mini whiteboards and learning about Capital letters. Students have slowly been spelling using letter sounds that we know and it has been amazing seeing them all using their knowledge of sounds to spell together.
In numeracy we have been practicing counting out loud, forming our numbers, and using hands on materials to understand how numbers and counting work. We have been playing warm up games that focus on patterns, shapes and colours.
Random acts of kindness:
We enjoyed a pizza lunch and discussed what kindness looks like in our classroom. We spent the day looking for moments of kindness with friends, towards our classroom and through relationships with friends.
Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead,
Miss A and Jacqui!
We are very excited to introduce our new program Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL). The Little Learners program focuses on a structured program that introduces new sounds every week. So far our students have learnt the sounds ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ and ‘ee’ and ‘ea.’
Our students have used their creativity and imagination to create different characters and settings within a narrative. We have focused on the structure and features of a narrative that can improve their writing skills. We look forward to creating our narratives at the end of week 4!
We have become numeracy geniuses learning about place value and partitioning up to three-digit numbers. We have worked collaboratively to expand and reinforce our understanding of hundreds, tens and ones and how to represent three-digit numbers in different ways.
Golf Clinics
The year 1 and 2s have received a fantastic opportunity to improve their golf skills. The students have had the chance to focus on improving techniques, boosting their confidence and developing teamwork skills.