
Term 1 - Mathematics Workshop


After-school math workshops provide a relaxed and encouraging environment where students can explore math in a way that's not possible during regular school hours. These sessions help students strengthen their skills, boost their confidence, and make learning math more enjoyable. By offering extra support, these workshops give students a great opportunity to succeed in math, both in school and in the future.


Workshop Title

Day, Time & Venue


Target Group




OLNA preparation

How to apply Mathematics 


Real Life scenarios


3.30pm - 4.30pm

Wk. 1.6 -Wk 1.10

Room: P1/P2



Yr 10/Yr.11/Yr.12




Mathematics staff


This workshop is available to students who have to re-sit the OLNA. 

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3.30pm - 4.30pm

Wk. 1.6 -Wk 1.10

Room: P2


Mathematics Methods

Mathematics Specialist





Mathematics staff


This workshop is designed to provide students with additional support to help solve questions and clarify concepts introduced during class.

Feel free to bring your   notes or any assignments you need help with! 

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Yr.7 to Yr. 10



3.30pm - 4.30pm

Wk. 1.6 -Wk 1.10

Room: P1




Yr.7 to Yr.10

Mathematics staff








This workshop is designed to provide students with additional support to help solve questions and clarify concepts introduced during class.

Feel free to bring your notes or any assignments you need help with!




Mrs C Miranda

(Head of Learning - Mathematics)