Year 7

Welcome to Year 7 at St Norbert College!
A warm welcome to all Year 7 students and their families! We are thrilled to have you join our College community, where we are committed to making your high school journey a positive and enriching experience.
In their first week, our Year 7 students were given the opportunity to engage in a series of exciting transition activities. These activities have helped them get to know one another, connect with their Year 11 homeroom buddies, and learn about St Norbert College in a safe and supportive environment. They’ve also explored how to make the most of their diaries, log into the College system, and access their courses and assessments online.
Our students have been introduced to essential digital tools such as Microsoft Word, Teams, and email. They have quickly become familiar with these platforms to support their learning. To cap off their first week, Year 7 students participated in a fun and engaging 'Quest'—working in teams to visit various locations around the College, getting their passports stamped along the way. It was a great opportunity for them to bond with their peers, explore the campus and enjoy an ice cold ‘Zooper Dooper’ to end their first week.
Now that Year 7 students have moved to their regular timetable, we’ve set a weekly ‘Challenge’ for them, encouraging them to explore some of the exciting opportunities available here at the College.
Looking ahead, there are still many activities to look forward to as part of the Year 7 Transition to High School program, including the Year 7 Retreat and Activity Day on February 25th, Head of House 'Catch Up' and Lunch with their Year 11 Peer Support Buddies in week 4, the Year 7 Social before the end of the term, and ongoing support through the Year 7 Homework Club each Thursday after school in the Library. Students can also enjoy the Year 7 Games Club twice a week, providing plenty of chances to get involved and make new friends.
We are excited to work alongside you and your family as your child transitions to high school.
Here's to a wonderful year ahead!
Mrs T La Vanda
(Head of Year 7)
Year 7 Parents Dinner Catch-Up
This is organised on the same night as the Year 7 Social……..
So rather than drop you children off at the social, go home, only to have to leave the house again for pick up! Why not have your own night out meeting other Year 7 parents and our Parent Committee members.
Date: Thursday 27 March 2025
Time: 6.00pm – 7.45pm
The Kewdale Tavern, 139 Kewdale Road, Kewdale
Table reserved by St Norbert Parent Committee
RSVP by TXT “your name (s) – Newbie’s night” to AND CONNECT WITH OTHER OARENTS FOR THE YEAR 7 GROUP.
Inoka 0436 288 776 by 19 March 2025
Parent Committee
Our Parent Committee is a group of parents who come together to provide opportunities for fellow parents to meet one another and participate in the life of the College. It’s not about fundraising, but what can be done to support students and bring parents together.
The Parent Committee continue to organise wonderful events, such as the Mother’s Day and Father Day Breakfasts. They have organised an upcoming Parent Dinner for Year 7 Parents on the night of the Year 7 Social Event, which is a great opportunity for parents to meet and catch up.The Parent Committee also organise informative seminars for parents and would like to have input and ideas about future seminars. This year, seminars include presentations by Headspace (Mental Health – How to seek support), Community Police (Managing Online Behaviour) and Paul Litherland (Surf Online Safe).
The Parent Committee meets twice a term with the next meeting on Wednesday 19 March at 6.00pm. so we call on you and invite you to join the Parent Committee. If interested and, or you have any queries, click on the QR Code or link below.