From the Principal

Ms Sharon Rainford

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College

Welcome back to the 2025 school year to all our families. I hope that the holidays provided quality family time, some relaxation and a slower pace.  I take this opportunity to welcome the 161 Year 7s to the College and 9 new students in Years 8-11 to the College. The College hosted a seminar on Monday evening to welcome new families to our community. It was an opportunity to meet Homeroom teachers and other parents and to ask questions about processes and support at the College. Thank you to Mrs Tracey La Vanda, Mr Roger D’Almeida, Heads of House and Homeroom teachers for being a part of this very important evening.



The first assembly is always so special as we invite our graduating students back to acknowledge their school achievements. It is with pride that we welcomed back 6 of our award winners-Amal Suresh, Katie Seroney, Tim Hewitt, Shelna Sony and Marley Kago. Unfortunately, many were still overseas or had work commitments. 

In summary:

  • 5 students join our 95 Club with our highest ATAR being 98.05. 

  • 10 students attained an ATAR of 90+

  • 2 students achieved Subject Certificates of Excellence for Human Biology.

  • 9 students received Certificates of Merit.

  • 2 students received Certificates of Distinction.

  • 4 students received VET Certificates of Excellence for achievement in Community Services, Health and Education: Sport, Recreation and Public Safety; Tourism, Hospitality and Events and Automotive, Engineering & Logistics.

  • 189 vocational qualifications were achieved


The ATAR Accounting & Finance, Health Studies, Human Biology and Psychology results from our students, placed St Norbert College in the top schools for those courses-well done to the teachers of those courses Mr Ah Fong, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Bunyan and Mrs Byfield.


Letter from Executive Director of Catholic Education WA:


2024 Dux

The Class of 2024 Dux, Amal Suresh addressed our students about achieving academic excellence. His main message was that “success and proficiency isn’t about being the best all the time, or the smartest, or having the most organised plan. It’s about finding what works for you and staying consistent to that.” I hope that our students respond to Amal’s advice. 



Mr Matthew CheneyScience
Mr Michael ClarkTechnologies Assistant
Ms Aviana FrancisJapanese
Mr Sebastian GrafIT/Computer Science
Mr Neil GrimeBusiness Manager
Mr Sam ManciniDirector of Canons Sport
Ms Ann-Marie PalmerMiddle School Teacher
Ms Jaime PyneArts Assistant
Ms Molly RafterHASS/RE/Psychology
Ms Kathleen AngelesMaths
Miss Alexis TeelingScience


We also welcome back Mrs Marsden, Mr Yeoh and Ms Garton who return from leave.


It is a very special year for the College as we celebrate our 60th anniversary. At our assembly we were reminded about St Norbert’s birth in Xanten and his conversion story on his way to Freden. Throughout the year, we will trace the history of the College, and I hope to invite back some members of our community to share their stories too. I invite ex-students to update their contact details via our College website

so that we can invite you to our celebrations later in the year.


On Sunday the 23 February we will begin to celebrate our 60th anniversary with the College Community Mass. This will be held on the oval at 6:30pm. 







Before the official commencement of school, our Class of 2025 enjoyed their school ball on Monday 3 February at Frasers Restaurant in Kings Park. Thank you to Miss Carrol Abel and Mr Craig Mecham for the co-ordination of the Ball. I was super proud of the way our students presented themselves for the evening.

Please spread the word about our Open Day on Friday 28 February. I look forward to welcoming families onto our campus for student led tours at 9am and 1pm.


I leave you with a quote I came across during the holidays that I used at the recent assembly to challenge our students to be the best versions of themselves, to make good choices and to take responsibility for situations.


“If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me.”


The quote challenges us to be accountable and take responsibility ourselves for change. Acknowledge that we do have a level of control over our own lives.

We need to stop blaming others and shift our thinking to ‘What can I do to make a difference or change?’ 

For our students, they can

  • Be organised by coming to school ready to learn and by eating well and getting enough sleep.

  • Study and use their diary to plan ahead

  • Problem solve and have a positive growth mindset.

  • Be a friend to others-especially those who need them to be their friend!


God bless and I look forward to your support throughout the year. 


Ms S Rainford
