Climate Canons


The Climate Canons welcome everyone back to the 2025 academic year. We would like to introduce our Climate Canons Captain for 2025 to the College community, Isabella Ngoon. Isabella has been an integral member of the Climate Canons who strives to make even the smallest differences to help the environment. She will be an excellent leader to our team in 2025 and we all look forward to working with Isabella.


The Climate Canons have had their first meeting of the year, planning for upcoming events including Clean Up Australia Day, SeaWeek and Harmony Day, come see us to learn and engage in these and many more important topics. Our new art work is proudly on display in the Adrian Court and in the coming weeks the Climate Canons will have a notice board out the front of the Learning Hub informing students of all things environment and sustainability. Students are to keep a look out for our weekly tips and info in the Daily Notices. 


If you are interested in joining the Climate Canons or would like more information about what we do at St Norbert College, please email Miss Pisconeri 


Miss D Pisconeri

(Climate Canons Coordinator)