Sports News


Catherine McAuley Swimming Carnival News

A Big Thankyou must go to Mrs Livingstone for the orginsation of our school Swimming Carnival.  It was wonderful to see so many people not only in the swimming events but also the novelties.  Please see below our Age Champions, Runners up and House Champion for 2025.  These students will be recognised infront of the whole school at a later date.  

Age ChampionsNames
Junior BoysHenry Crump
Runner up Junior BoysThomas Dowling
Junior GirlsLulu Eades
Runner up Junior GirlsLottie Baird
11 BoysArchie Eades
Runner up 11 boysFranklin Boucher
11 GirlsPoppy Davidson
Runner UpLenya Miller
Senior BoysHarry Fardell
Runner UpHarrison Mosch
Senior GirlsRuby Judge
Runner upJemima Fox

House Champion - Bennelong


Runner Up - Kabbarli


Winter Sport Diocesean Trials for Year 5 and 6

Winter Sport Trials are underway.  Trial days are announced at afternoon assemblies.  Please make sure your child brings all relevant safety equipment i.e Mouthguard, Shin pads.


Southern Regional Swimming Carnvial.

A big congratulations to the Catherine McAuley Swim team who were crowned the Southern Regional Champion school.  Thank you to Mrs Livingstone, Mr O'Reilly and Mrs Dellow who accompanied the team on the day.  Those students that qualified for the Dio carnival will be notified as soon as the school receives the information.  Parents will need to provide transport to and from the Dio carnival.