Principal's Page
Jo Flynn
Principal's Page
Jo Flynn
Pick up procedures
In the afternoons there are 3 exit points from the school
-Hill Street Infants Gate
-Byng Street Gate
-Bus Lines at Hill Street Main Entrance
Each of these areas have procedures that we ask all parents, carers and students to follow.
At Hill Street Infants Gate Pick Up:
-students sit in the infants eating area to wait for their parent or carer
-the gate opens at 3:10 and parents enter to pick up their child(ren). We ask that once the children have been released to your care, you leave the school grounds as you have now resumed your duty of care for your child(ren).
-students who have permission to walk home also leave via this entrance.
-no students or their siblings are to be playing on the equipment
At Byng Street Gate Pick Up:
- students sit in lines on the green area (Area E) or in summer when it is hot, or if it is wet, they wait under the tree.
-Parents enter the gate marked entry to collect their child(ren) and exit via the gate marked exit. Parents need to enter the playground to collect their child(ren). They are not to beckon to children through the gate. Students will not be released to parents outside the gate. Please use the designated entry and exit gate.
-please exit the school grounds as soon as you have your child(ren)
-this is not the time to talk with the teachers
Bus Lines
-students are expected to wait in their lines behind the cone with their bus name on it
-the teacher on duty will call out the name of each bus as it approaches the stop
-it is the students responsibility to listen for the name of their bus
-students are escorted to the bus by the teacher on duty
-students who have not been picked up at Hill Street or Byng street before the gates close, will wait in the bus line area for parents to collect them.
Naplan Letter to Parents
Every year students in Years 3 and 5 in Primary Schools are expected to complete the 4 National Assessments in Literacy and Numeracy. Please see the link to the NESA website below for more information
A letter will be sent home to Year 3 and 5 parents tomorrow
Road Safety
Please read the important messages on road safety.
Change of Address/Contact Details
It is vital for the school to have correct contact details for parents, carers and emergency contacts. If any of the details have changed, addresses, phone numbers, emails, please inform the office and provide the updated details.
Parent Talk
Parent talk is an informative digital magazine put out by the Council of Catholic School Parents. They often have very interesting articles and tips for parents. Please have a browse by clicking the link below.
Click here to view the Latest Edition of Parent Talk!
Proven Ways You Can Help Your Child Succeed at Primary School
Over the next weeks I will sharing tips for parents to explore.
As parents, we all want our children to succeed academically and develop a love for learning. While teachers play a vital role in a child's education, parents also significantly influence their child's academic success. Implementing a few proven strategies can help you create a supportive and enriching environment that nurtures your child's growth and development.
I know the term "Routine" will hardly send your pulse racing with excitement, but it’s an often overlooked factor in parenting success.
Kids crave stability and predictability, as they feel safe and in control. Sometimes, they use predictability against their parents (“Can’t I stay up later than 7 o’clock tonight?” which is a behavioural issue I’ll address another time), but routines mostly serve kids and parents well.
Establishing a daily routine with set times for waking up, meals, homework, and bedtime can help children develop good habits and manage their time effectively.
School success is enhanced when a child’s physical needs are met. Sleep is perhaps the trickiest yet most vital part of the eat, play, and sleep physical triangle to meet.
According to the latest sleep research, maintaining consistent bedtimes and wake times is crucial in ensuring your child gets a good night’s sleep. Another important aspect is establishing a 45-60-minute bedtime routine. (This will be discussed in a future Parenting Toolbox article.)
A well-rested child is more alert, focused, and ready to learn.
“Homework,” “Reading time,” “Project work.” Regardless of the monicker, kids usually have some tasks each night, ranging from reading books in the early years to doing assignment work in the later years.
Designate a specific time each day for homework and study. This helps children develop a routine and reduces procrastination. When my children were in primary school, I preferred doing homework before the evening meal. However, this didn’t work when after-school sports had to be negotiated, so we learned to be flexible with individual study schedules.
Children will do their best work when they’re rested so help them balance work with free time. Discuss the need to take short breaks, particularly if they are working in front of a screen.
Some children, especially boys, will do their best work in short bursts so consider introducing time limits for their work.
Expert tip: When setting routines, involve children in age-appropriate ways. When kids have input into a decision, they’re more likely to stick to it.