Principal's Report

Dear Rockhampton North Special School Community,


Welcome to the 2025 School Year!


Dear Families,


Welcome to another exciting year at Rockhampton North Special School! A special welcome to our new families—we are so pleased to have you as part of our school community. It has been wonderful to see all students settling into their new classrooms, and during my learning walks, I have observed a sense of calmness and engagement across the school. It is truly shaping up to be a fantastic year!


This year, our whole-school focus is on phonics, a key part of learning to read and write. Phonics helps students understand the relationship between letters and sounds, giving them the foundation they need to become confident readers. Our dedicated staff are implementing structured phonics instruction to support all students in their literacy journey.


A quick reminder to families about student pick-up times—please arrange for your child to be collected before or after playtime, as it is quite difficult for staff to locate and collect students while they are playing. Your support with this is greatly appreciated.


Additionally, the Department of Education’s "Phone Away for the Day" policy remains in place. All student mobile phones must be handed in at the office at the start of the school day and collected at the end of the day.


For families interested in sending their child’s Communication Device to school for consistency in communication, we welcome this option. However, please note that the school is not responsible for any damage. If you would like to proceed, consent forms are available at the office.


Lastly, we invite all parents and carers to join our Parent and Community Association (P&C). Our first meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 February at 2 pm. This is a great opportunity to connect with other families and contribute to the wonderful work the P&C does for our school.


Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!


Warm regards,



Rockhampton North Special School