Parents' Association

About the Parents' Association

All parents and guardians of John XXIII College students are automatically members of the Parents' Association. Our Association is equivalent to the Parent and Friends Associations in other schools. It plays a crucial role in developing our College's community spirit while providing essential pastoral and financial support.


Key focus areas

The Parents' Association concentrates on four main areas:

  1. Financial support
  2. Social engagement
  3. Pastoral care (Roncalli Care)
  4. Educational initiatives (Inspire)

Meetings and dates

We hold regular meetings each term in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre at the College. These meetings are open to all staff, parents, and guardians to discuss matters of common interest. These meetings are a cornerstone of our vibrant John XXIII College community, offering a valuable platform for parents to come together, stay informed, and actively shape the future of our College.


2025 Meeting schedule:

  • Term 1: Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 7pm
  • Term 2: Tuesday, 3 June 2025, 7pm
  • Term 3: Tuesday, 26 August 2025, 7pm
  • Term 4: Tuesday, 18 November 2025, 7pm (Meeting and AGM)

Objectives and aims

The Parents' Association aims to support the College by:

  • Providing physical assistance
  • Raising funds (e.g., through the parent levy)
  • Promoting social interaction among parents and guardians

Our overall goal is to partner with the College in educating and supporting our children while strengthening our community values based on the Ignatian tradition.


Key initiatives

Financial Support

We allocate funds to approved initiatives and projects within the College community through the annual Parents' Association Levy. This approach eliminates the need for formal fundraising each year.


Parents' Association Liaisons (PALs)

PALs are parent volunteers coordinating social, pastoral, and volunteer activities for each year group. They play a crucial role in building our community spirit and creating connections between parents.


Roncalli Care

This initiative supports College families experiencing hardship due to illness or loss. Volunteers work sensitively with families to provide relevant assistance and support.



Through this program, we fund speakers and educators who discuss relevant social issues affecting young people and their families.


Need further information

If you have any questions about the Parents' Association and its various initiatives, please don't hesitate to contact us at

Funding Proposals

The John XXIII College Parents' Association have funds available for proposals that meet the objectives of the Parents’ Association by promoting social interaction or providing material assistance to the College. Successful proposals must show they either benefit students in all years or, if only specific years, then support previously neglected years to maintain a balance of benefit across the College. Proposals can be submitted by staff or parents. 


We encourage all nominators to ensure their proposals fulfil all criteria on the proposal form, as the committee can only approve proposals that meet the criteria. Once the committee approves, the proposal can then be put forward for a vote at the Parents' Association meeting in Week 6.


Proposals must be submitted by 5pm on Friday of Week 2 to qualify for consideration at the upcoming Term meeting.


Funding & Agenda 

Proposals deadline 5pm Friday Week 2 

Proposals & Agenda

Live on PA SEQTA 

5pm Friday Week 5

PA Meeting 

Thomas More Exhibition Centre

7pm Tuesday Week 6 

Term 114 February7 MarchTuesday 11 March
Term 29 May30 MayTuesday 3 June
Term 31 August22 AugustTuesday 26 August
Term 424 October14 NovemberTuesday 18 November (AGM)

The Funding Proposal form has been simplified and updated to an electronic form that is available here.


As always, if you have any queries about funding proposals or other suggestions for the Parents’ Association, please let us know via email:


We look forward to seeing many parents in 2025 at our Term 1 meeting on Tuesday, 11 March, 2025 at 7pm


From Your 2025 Parents’ Association Committee:

  • President: Lisha D’Souza
  • Vice Presidents: Steve Jennings & Robyn Hegney
  • Secretary: Emma Smith
  • Treasurer: Michael Thornton
  • General Committee Members:  Kerry Tudori, Sally Walter, Fiona Sweet, Caroline Di Costa, Amy McGregor and Ben Archibald