Carlsruhe Annexe /
Main Campus - Year 4
Carlsruhe Annexe /
Main Campus - Year 4
Can you believe its week five already! This term is already flying by, and we have been so busy!
In Maths, the Carlsruhe unit have been working on place value looking at five digit numbers (and beyond) and multiplying whole numbers using powers of 10 (x10, 100 and 1000). This week we looked at decimals including tenths and hundreths, playing games and writing numbers using place value chart.
In Literacy, we have studied the book Wilam and the students were all very excited to create their own version of the text. We have now started looking at Historical Fiction texts including My Place, stepping back into our past and visualising what life would have been like for the First Fleet and the Indigenous people during those early days of settlement.
At the Carlsruhe campus, students had a visit from our vet Libby and Nurse Tanya, who gave the animals a health check and talked to students about the animal diets and basic care. We were also treated to a quiz which the children absolutely loved! This is the first of many visits this year.
Ashleigh Dodds (4AD), Lisa Sutch (4LS), Louise Safstrom/Alison Meggs (4SM)