From the Office

SCHOOL SAVING BONUS – Important Information
Thank you to our school families for your patience and cooperation as we navigate the administration and implementation of the School Saving Bonus.
In a nutshell, the school has already received all the funds, for all Woodend PS families….however we are not able to utilise this money on your behalf (for uniforms, camps or excursions) until each family logs into the SSB portal and reallocates the funds to ‘School Activities’ for each of their children.
If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by now, please contact the Department of Education by emailing
The school is not able to assist with missing emails or codes.
If you allocate all the $400 from the portal to ‘School Activities’, you will not have to log back into the portal again. This is what we recommend.
If you allocate smaller amounts, you will eventually achieve the same nett result as above, but you will have to keep logging into the portal each time, as well as increasing the processing load here at school.
Please be reassured, funds reallocated to ‘School Activities’ will not expire and will remain as a credit on your school account until fully used, either this year or the next or the years going forward.
We urge you to phone or come into the school office if you are still confused or are having any difficulty and we can assist.
Our local IGA has already been a supporter of our school and fundraising efforts.
If you become a Ritchies Card Member, you will not only receive their latest weekly specials but if you nominate Woodend PS as part of the Ritchies Community Benefit Program, the school will receive a percentage of total parent sales for the month. (conditions apply)
A reminder for families who hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, or a Veterans Affairs Gold Card holder, you may be eligible for CSEF.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form, download from the school website or click CSEF Application Form 2025
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
Don’t forget to apply for younger siblings who have just started school.
Some students attending this school will be eligible for a Conveyance Allowance.
Eligibility Criteria:The allowance will be paid in two instalments and to be eligible a student must:
Be aged between 5 yrs and 18 yrs;
Live more than 4.8 km by the shortest practicable route from the NEAREST school attended AND live more than 4.8 km from the nearest DEECD funded bus service stop;
Be enrolled at the nearest or next nearest government school.
NB - The distances from home to school are automatically calculated as part of the application process and the DEECD Student Conveyance Allowance System distances will override parent advised figures.
Amount and Payment Method:The annual amount payable is determined by the mode of transport, the distance travelled from home to school and the number of other students travelling in the same car.
Application Forms: A separate form is to be completed for each student and these are available from the school office or this link Conveyance Allowance Application. Only one application is required for each student’s enrolment at school.
We really appreciate any contribution you are able to make towards the cost of requisites and services as detailed below.
Thank you to those families who have already made contributions. We really appreciate your support which allows us to minimise the amount of money we have to redirect from our targeted initiatives, programs and facilities.
If you’re not sure if you have paid or not, please check your QKR app under ‘Activity’, on the screen where you choose the school. Towards the end of Term 1, school account statements will be issued which will show all payments received to date for 2025 and any credit amounts (money we owe you).
Official receipts for donations to the Building and Library Fund (which are tax deductible) will be issued later in Term 2 or early Term 3.
Payment methods - Via QKR (free app) – for payment of Booklist, Carlsruhe Bus, School Improvement Fund and Building & Library Fund Contributions.
QKR is also used for Canteen & Uniform Shop orders.
Financial Support for Families
Woodend Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:
the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund
a confidential discussion about accessing financial assistance or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements for any activity, contact:
Diana Ellis - Ph: 03 5427 2455 Email:
Parent requests for refunds are subject to the discretion of the school and made on a case-by-case basis. Refunds will be provided where the school deems it is reasonable and fair to do so, taking into consideration whether a cost has been incurred, the Department’s Parent Payment Policy and Guidance, Financial Help for Families Policy and any other relevant information.
All students will have by now received a blue coloured document which lists the current personal details held by the school for that child. Please ask your child for this form or look in their bag. Some forms for separated families will be posted. If you still have not sighted this document by 14th February, please email .
PLEASE take the time to check the details listed to ensure they are correct and then either:
Sign the form and return the sheet as it is; if all details listed are correct OR
Make the necessary alterations, sign and return.
** Please DISREGARD the information listed for the distance you live from school. This information is system generated and in some cases is not correct.
NB: In times of emergency or illness, much time is saved if we have correct and current contact details for you and the emergency contacts you have nominated.
Business Manager
Sue Turner