WPS Community Children’s Garden

corn on the cob
corn on the cob

This week we learnt all about seeds and seed saving. Our corn was ready to harvest so we got to pick a cob each to take home. Some people decided it to yummy to eat fresh. We learnt that if we let our corn cobs dry, each yellow kernel will turn into a seed.  Some students remembered scratching the seeds off dry corn cobs last year, and planting these. The corn we picked this week is from the plants that grew from this activity. 

corn plants
everyone's corn cobs
Nicole teaching corn seeds
picked corn
corn plants
everyone's corn cobs
Nicole teaching corn seeds
picked corn

We also walked around the garden looking at insects pollinating and picking parsley, kale, celery, French sorrel, chard, and chives that had gone to seed. We put these dead plants into polystyrene boxes to collect the seed, then made envelopes out of newspaper to save the seed in to. 

celery seed saving
French Sorrel seed sacing
Nicole teaching about seeds
Nicole teaching about seeds
celery seed saving
French Sorrel seed sacing
Nicole teaching about seeds
Nicole teaching about seeds

Our senior Environmental Leaders joined us to help the junior students folding seeds packets (ie garden origami) and writing plant names on the seed packets. 

Volunteers needed: WPS Children’s Garden Club
Where:Woodend Community Children’s Garden (Buckland St, Woodend)

12.40-2.00pm Mondays

parent help required to run lunchtime Kid’s Garden Club

 2.00 - 3.30pm Mondays - parent’s gardening group
BYO: Bring your enthusiasm and desire to pitch in (No gardening know how needed). Please wear sturdy shoes, gardening gloves and weather appropriate clothing. Pre-school age children are welcome too
Sign in: 

Please sign in at the Office before gardening 

(Working With Children Check required)

Contact: Nicole Middleton 0418 233 366

If you can’t make it to the Monday sessions, but you can help out another day, simply contact me to see what needs to be done. 

Volunteer WPS Gardening Group Facilitator

Nicole Middleton - 0418 233 366