Medical Forms, Links & More School Info

Medical Administer Form

This is a reminder that all medication that is sent to school must have a Medication Administer Form filled in by your Doctor for us to be able to administer the medication to your child. Please do not send any medication to the office unless you have the appropriate form. Please do not put any medication in your child's school bag.

I have attached the form and I have also sent it out on Seesaw so you have access to it at all times.


If your child's circumstances changes at any time please make sure to bring in the new paperwork to the office.


If your child has Asthma, this is the form that will need to be filled out by your Doctor.

You will need to bring in the medication, this form and the form above, the Medical Administer Form.


If your child has an allergy this is the form that needs to be filled out by your Doctor.

You will need to bring in this form with any prescribed medication and the Medical Administer Form.


If your child is Anaphyllactic you will need to ask your Doctor to fill out this form.

You will need to bring in this form, the Epipen and the Medical Administer Form.

School Lunches Online Lunch Orders are on Tuesday & Thursday only

                Please remember to place orders by 8pm the evening before                      

(Monday by 8pm and Wednesday by 8pm). 


Please use the link to register for your online orders.


Uniform Shop


All uniforms can be purchased from:-

Peninsula Uniforms & Embroidery

Unit 1/1 Titan Drive

Carrum Downs

Ph: 9775 1777

St Anne's Playgroup


Playgroup runs every Monday morning in the hall from 9-11am. Please bring a piece of fruit and a $2 donation. It is a great way to meet new parents, while giving the little ones a chance to have a play. No need to book just come along.

No Dogs Allowed on School Property

A reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school grounds. If you bring your dog to school please make sure to tie him/her up outside the gate.

St Anne's Second Hand Uniforms

**Sustainable School Uniforms**

Search facebook - St Anne's buy/sell uniforms

Did you know we have a Facebook Buy/Sell Group to access second-hand uniforms. 

We currently have a selection of items for sale and for free. 

All school parents and caregivers have access to buy and sell, just join the group.

Normal Facebook Buy/Sell rules apply, you contact the seller and arrange to meet. 

This site is Admin by a St Anne's parent not the school, so send enquiries to the site.