Middle Gully

Macedon Primary School has a Landcare program each Thursday afternoon from 1.50pm to 3.30pm. Each class visits the Landcare program once each term.


The program is based at Middle Gully and includes activities such as caring for and maintaining the existing plants and garden areas, as well as planting different types of vegetables and herbs throughout the year. We also look at propagating plants, maintaining a worm farm, and doing some nature-based art.


We are looking for volunteers to assist with the program. We don’t require a weekly commitment or particular skills to assist, just a willingness to be involved in the program when you are able to. 


If you are interested or would like to discuss the Landcare program, please don’t hesitate to contact David Oxworth (Mr.O) by email at David.oxworth@education.vic.gov.au, or please feel free to come and see me after school. 



David Oxworth

PE Teacher and Landcare Coordinator

Macedon Primary School