Parents & Friends

Welcome back to 2025!
We hope you had a fantastic time over the festive period with your family and friends!
I'm sure many of you don't know me, I'm Jeremy (Jez), the P&F (Parents and Friends) Leader for 2025. I have a daughter, Paige, who is in Year 2.
I'm excited to welcome Holly and Mel to our P&F Leadership team. Holly will serve as our Secretary, she has a son, Joshua, in Year 3 and Mel, our new Treasurer, has a daughter Olivia in Year 2 and a son Spencer in Prep. We're thrilled to work with you all throughout 2025 to bring our school community together and create a fun atmosphere for all our children.
The P&F leadership team will be working closely with our classroom representatives throughout the year. We'll be supporting several events and you can find all important dates in the school calendar of events.
This year our secondhand uniform shop is being led by Louisa and we're looking for some volunteers to help run and maintain the shop. If you can only spare a few hours a Term, your help would be greatly appreciated. The uniform shop dates will be communicated through Seesaw and the newsletter.
To start off the year, it was wonderful to see so many from our school community at last Friday's end-of-week sausage sizzle. The weather was amazing, making it a fantastic start to the year. I think every other child came back asking for another icy pole! 😂
Let's get into the exciting events coming up. First up is our P&F welcome drinks, being held at Village Belle Hotel on Friday 21st February at 7pm. This event provides an opportunity for all parents to connect and have a fun, relaxed night. This is a non-fundraising event, with the cost covering the venue hire, a welcome drink on arrival, and light refreshments. Click here to book tickets
We then move on to one of the kids' favorite days, Shrove Tuesday on the 4th March where the P&F will be cooking up a storm of pancakes for the children to enjoy. We'll be looking for volunteers to support that morning, so if you're a keen cook, please reach out to your class rep for further details or fill out the link below.
If you're interested in supporting any of the above and future events, please fill out the below link and we'll be in touch to discuss further and hopefully welcome you aboard!
It's going to be a great year full of fun for the whole school community! If you see Holly, Mel or myself around the school, don't be shy, come and say hi, as we're always up for a chat!
Cheers, Jez & the P&F Team