Religious Education News
James Millane
Education in Faith Leader
Religious Education News
James Millane
Education in Faith Leader
Staff from both St Mary's Primary School and St Mary's College came together last week at the Parish Mass on Tuesday morning. A huge thank you to the staff from the College who hosted us for a wonderful morning tea. What a wonderful way to start the year.
It is once again going to be a busy semester in the liturgical life of the school. We look forward to the beginning of school Mass this Sunday, 9th February (5.30pm) which will include a blessing of students and staff and the handing out of the SRC and leadership badges for Semester One. Please see below for the liturgical calendar for the first half of the year.
2025 Liturgical Dates (Semester One)
Sunday 9th February - Start of School Mass and Leadership Badges, 5:30pm
Friday 21st February - Year 1 & 2 Class Mass 9.15am
Friday 28th February - Prep Class Mass 9.15am
Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday Mass 9.15am
Wednesday 12th March - P-2 Prayers In Pyjamas 6:00pm
Friday 14th March - Year 3 & 4 Class Mass 9.15am
Sunday 16th March - Junior School Mass 5:30pm
Friday 21st March - Year 5 & 6 Class Mass 9.15am
Friday 4th April - Passion Play, 12pm
Sunday 13th April - Palm Sunday
Thursday 17th April - Holy Thursday
Friday 18th April - Good Friday
Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday
Friday 2nd May - Year 5 & 6 Class Mass 9.15am
Friday 9th May - Whole School Mass (Mother’s & Special Friends) 9.15am
Friday 16 May - Year 3 & 4 Class Mass 9.15am
Wednesday 4th June - First Eucharist Family Faith Night 6:00pm
Sunday 8th June - Middle School Mass 5:30pm
Friday 13th June - Press Class Mass 9.15am
Friday 20th June - Year 1 & 2 Class Mass 9.15am
Sunday 22nd June - First Eucharist 10:30am
Friday 27th June - Sacred Heart of Jesus Whole School Mass 9:15am