Religious Education   

Marylene Douglas

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

 Teacher's Day holds a significant place in our heart as it provides us with the opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the contributions of educators in our lives. These dedicated individuals, whether they are our teachers, mentors, colleagues, leaders, children's teachers or friends, play pivotal roles in shaping our learning experiences and personal growth, and can have a lasting impact on our learning and our lives.


It is a day to express our gratitude and admiration, to recognize the tireless efforts teachers put into nurturing minds and to celebrate the lasting influence they have on the journey of those whose lives they touch.


At St Louis' we are so fortunate to have teachers and support staff who inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning in our students.  They are the ones who cultivate the seed in the hearts of every student, teach with care and compassion, sharing the love of Christ along their journey, and for this we are truly grateful! 

We thank God for the love and care they have shown. We celebrate all that they bring to their roles – their gifts, their talents, and their commitment.


Let us pray:


Loving God, you sent us your Son, Jesus, to be our great teacher.

Bless all our teachers who help us grow and thrive. They show us how to make a difference in our world by sharing a message of love, hope and truth.

Give our teachers courage and strength as they continue to renew, reimagine and create learning opportunities for our children that build and develop their potential in mind, body and spirit.

We ask this prayer through Jesus, your Son.      Amen.