
Our Canteen provides ordered lunches on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during school terms. Lunches are ordered online on the Canteen dashboard in Compass. Orders must be placed by 8.30am on the day required

If you need to cancel a lunch order, process the cancellation by 8.30am on the day the lunch was ordered. A credit will be available to you the next time you place an order. 

Can you volunteer in the Canteen?

Since the introduction of online ordering, the demand for Canteen lunch orders has increased significantly. 

Thank you to those who have volunteered to go on the Canteen roster. Your help is greatly appreciated, and our Canteen can't function without you.

However, the Canteen team needs to grow to meet the demand and ensure delivery, on time, to our students. 

If you are able to offer your assistance, please complete the form on the Canteen Volunteer Request notice, and return to the School Office as soon as possible.

Maria Vlahos

Canteen Manager