Deutsche Ecke

R-2, 4/5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

SAGTA Poster Competition - Brandenburg

Every year, the South Australian German Teachers Association (SAGTA) hold a poster competition for Reception – Year 10 students studying German at South Australian schools. The competition focuses on a German-speaking country or region of Germany, with this year’s choice being Brandenburg state. Germany is divided into states, or Bundesländer as they are called in German, and Brandenburg lies in the north-east, encircling the state and capital city of Berlin. Torrens and Fisher students have begun their research on this region known for its many castles and palaces, as well as its untouched nature and enchanting landscapes. 


Year 3-5 students must choose a building, structure or park and write 5 sentences about it, while Year 6 students must compose an Elfchen (an 11-word poem). Our Early Years students will learn about the tale of Der Schlangenkönig (The Snake King), one of the many legends that come from Spreewald (Spree Forest). On the gables of old houses in Spreewald is the symbol of two crossed snakes. They stand for the Snake King, who is supposed to protect the inhabitants. Our young students will also explore this enchanting forest and its network of canals.


Frau Edwards and I are excited to see what students come up with this year after the wonderful success of our entries last year. Will they choose the regal Schloss Sanssouci, Frederick the Great’s summer palace? Will they choose the charming Tudor Schloss Cecilienhof, location of the 1945 Potsdam Conference? Will they pick the mystical Spreewald with its legends and sagas? Or the largest indoor tropical resort in Europe - Tropical Islands Resort? Or will they unearth a hidden tourist attraction of quieter renown? 


Please ask your children to share their German learning with you! Maybe you can help them find 5 interesting facts about their chosen attraction. We look forward to keeping you posted with the shortlisted entries.


Frau Chesterman and Frau Edwards