Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

2023 Wellbeing & Engagement Collection 

Every year, students in years 4-6  are invited to participate in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) survey. The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing, school relationships, engagement and learning in school, physical health, and wellbeing and after-school activities.


Results of the survey are provided to the school later in the year. Staff review these results to identify student-reported wellbeing strengths and the opportunities to improve student wellbeing.


I am pleased to share with you our school's survey results, which breaks down different categories and dives deeper into how different demographics responded. It was pleasing to see students score highly in the engagement to school category. Please open the WEC link to access our school's WEC data. 



I am also excited to share that I will be facilitating a student focus group to further unpack our school's Wellbeing & Engagement data. 


Focus groups allow students an opportunity to share their perceptions and understanding about what the WEC data means, and what they want to see happen to improve their experience of wellbeing at school.


Information shared by students will be used by staff to identify and create wellbeing initiatives that are meaningful for students. 


I will be sending consent forms home soon for students who are chosen to participate. Please keep an eye out for the consent form if your child is selected to participate. 

Learner Agency Workshops

On the 6 November, I supported 7 students from Fisher to participate in online Learner Agency Workshops hosted by the Chief Executive of the Department for Education, Martin Westwell. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, this workshop has been created to enable students to continue their involvement in the discussion on the purpose of public education in South Australia, and in particular learner agency. 


Students were able to engage in conversations about 'Growth Mindset' and the 'Learning Pit' and how these concepts are important aspects of effective learners. Students also explored the different zones of learning and how each zone should be used to reflect effective learning. 


We were very fortunate to have these conversations facilitated by Guy Claxton who is a cognitive scientist, education thought leader and prolific author interested in expanding human intelligence through research, writing and education. 


Students who were involved on Monday will have an opportunity to be involved next year or High School if they provide an expression of interest to me this term. 

October Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to our October Aussies of the Month! Our Aussie of the Month Awards recognise students who 'live and breathe' the LNPS school values: CARE & CONCERN, RESPECT, HONESTY and PURSUIT of EXCELLENCE. Please read further to find out who the October Aussies of the Month are and what their teachers had to say about them.


Early Years recipient (Rowell) - Amelia Bateson 

'Amelia is committed to growing as a learner and strives to always achieve her personal best! There are so many words to describe Amelia…calm, considerate, kind, inclusive, safe, motivated, dependable, creative and respectful to name a few! Amelia embodies our LNPS values daily.  She is a model student who can be depended upon to lead groups, mentor students and work independently on all tasks. I am so proud of you and your growth this year Amelia. Keep shining bright! Keep Aiming High!'

Miss Perkas


Torrens recipient - Mabel Jordans 

'Mabel always gives her best effort at school. She is kind, polite and courteous to all members of the LNPS community, consistently demonstrating all values. It has been great to see Mabel’s confidence grow this year and I have enjoyed getting to know small parts of Mabel’s unique personality. Congratulations, Mabel on being a worthy recipient of October’s Aussie of the Month. I am really proud of how far you have come this year.'

Mrs McCulloch


Fisher recipient - Olivia Bellamy

'Olivia, we are constantly impressed by your consistent work ethic, the motivation you demonstrate and the level at which you display our school values and learner qualities across the school community. We love that you create a welcoming vibe within our class space, you are always inclusive of others and approach each day with a positive mindset and smile! You are already showcasing what good leadership looks like, continue to aim high and congratulations on your thoroughly deserved award.' 

Mr Starr