School News 


Week 4 Update

As always, this term is flying and we are at the halfway mark of another successful term. Students are busy preparing for Sports Day and finishing learning to round out their year. Teachers are busy writing reports for the end of 2023 and formulating classes for 2024. There is always so much to do. Schools are busy communities, and ensuring our students always have the best possible learning experiences is always our primary focus.


Tomorrow is Sports Day and the weather is looking perfect for this wonderful community event. As it is a little warmer HATS and SUNCREAM are essential. Please ensure your child/children have suncream and their school hat on the day, with lots of water. 


Students and staff have been working really hard and are very excited about the day which includes the Jump Rope for Heart Jump Off. Please see the Sports Day page in the newsletter for further details.  


Just a reminder about the School Closure on Friday the 10th November and PFD on Monday 13th November. 


At the PFD on Monday, staff will be developing profiles for our Learner Qualities using the data collected from all school stakeholders. This has included staff, students and the wider community.  We will be planning how to further embed them into our teaching and learning. This is our next step in developing empowered learners at LNPS. 


OSHC will be available on both days. Please see Rheanne for bookings. 


Governing Council

The Governing Council at Lockleys North Primary School is a hard-working group of parents and staff who work collaboratively to provide a quality learning environment for your children.


Its members are responsive to any issues that arise and their role is to determine the views of our local community with regard to the educational needs of the school. The Governing Council informs the Principal of these views and needs.


We have 8 vacancies starting in 2024 and are calling for nominations from members of the school community to stand for Council. Councillors elected serve for two years.  


Meetings are for about 2 hours (7.00-9.00pm) twice a term.  If you would like further information regarding Governing Council, or would like to nominate for a vacancy please email by Monday 20th November. 


There will be an election of people after this date in which the whole school community is provided with a voting slip if we have more nominations than vacancies.


We encourage parents to get involved and stand for election to the Council. 


URGENT - Students Leaving LNPS at the end of 2023

We urgently require families to inform us if their child will be leaving LNPS in 2024.


We are in the final stages of class placements for 2024 and fluctuating enrolment numbers have a significant impact on this process. 


Please forward any information to Vanessa Rushe - or via phone at 84435544



Tyson and Mirjana