Learning Across the ELC

Inquiry - Communities, Culture and Celebrations
In Week 3 and 4 students have been busy with lots of hands-on learning in the Banksia Room. This fortnight we introduced ‘cultures’ through learning about the world around them, specifically though cultural foods. Children have been exploring, investigating and discovering their sense of touch, sight, smell and taste. Throughout our cooking experience both Banksia Blue and Banksia Gold students worked collaboratively making tasty and yummy foods to share at afternoon teatime.
Miss Monique Signore
ELC Educator
Preschool Excursion to Warriparinga
On the 8th of November the preschool children ventured off on an excursion as part of their ‘Life on Land’ inquiry. We walked around the grounds of the Warriparinga Living Kaurna Cultural Centre. We had the opportunity to go on a blissful walk with Uncle Bellie and Kanifa. The children explored the nature, animals, land, habitats, even oven pits that were 4000 years old and a tree that was over 700 years old. Children viewed many sculptures including a wombat, frogs and the Wardli Kuarna House. We explored the bush tucker garden, smelling lemon grass and feeling the kangaroo grass, learning that the seeds are used to make traditional damper. Children enjoyed beading with Aunty Janice and Aunty Jane, making a necklace, bracelet or key chain using reeds. We also learnt that Warriparinga means ‘Place of wind’ and called out “Warriparinga” as we crossed the bridge over the Warriparinga river. It was a wonderful experience. The children asked many questions throughout the day and when we returned to preschool.
Ms Cocca & Ms Lauder
Preschool Teachers