Learning Across the 

Senior School

Changing Earth Unit in Science

As part of the Changing Earth Unit, our Year 9 Science students undertook a Practical Investigation which helped to highlight the negative impact of ‘ocean acidification’ on marine life and the jobs and communities that depend on a healthy ocean. Shells were placed in varying pH levels to model increasing acidity and the detrimental effect on lifeform.

Mrs Patty Warrender

Science Teacher

Earth, Moon and Space Unit in Science

As part their Earth, Moon and Space Unit, our Year 7 Science students had a lot of fun launching rockets!  The girls mixed baking soda with vinegar in a plastic drink bottle 'rocket' to create carbon dioxide gas, which when released, caused the rocket to spectacularly overcome the pull of gravity and head straight for the stars!

Mrs Patty Warrender

Science Teacher

Ethics Olympiad

Is it ever right to lie? Is there is a moral difference between a verbal promise and a written contract?


These were some of the questions ten of our Year 9 students were asked in the Middle Years Ethics Olympiad which took place on zoom last Monday.


We congratulate our two teams for their outstanding effort!

Loreto Blue winning Gold and Loreto Red winning Bronze!

What an amazing achievement by these young, confident women.


Our Loreto Blue team will continue their hard work competing in the International Ethics Olympiad in late February 2024.



Ms Tennille Cobb

Gifted and Talented Teacher

Humanities Competition Winners

This semester we have attained some wonderful results in two of the Humanities competitions Loreto College enter annually.


In the Australian Geography Competition Alice Frearson-Lea was the Year 7 Winner for South Australia. This is an outstanding achievement when you consider the several thousand students who enter the competition annually.


In another exceptional achievement, Grace Collins has been announced as a winner in The 2023 Premier's Anzac Spirit School Prize Competition. Grace’s research of a South Australian who served in the Great War was of a very high standard. As part of the prize, Grace will be travelling with other awardees to Vietnam for an extensive commemorative study and cultural tour, culminating in an Anzac Day Commemorative Service at Long Tan, Vietnam.

Year 12 Art Show

Come along to our Year 12 Art Show next Thursday 16 November from 5.30pm in the foyer gallery of the Mary Gonzaga Barry Art Department. We look forward to celebrating the hard work, efforts and talent of our creative students.

Senior Cabaret

We would like, ah, if we may, ...to take you on a strange journey...


The bi-annual Loreto College Cabaret is nearly upon us and over 30 girls from across the Senior Campus have put together a zany, kooky, creepy cabaret. They would love to see you all come along and join in the fun.


There’ll be food and drink and ghosts....You’re all invited...Living, Dead or Undecided...And extra special points will go to those who commit to the theme, or to those who are simply committed!


As our friend Dracula once said, 'Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make’.


Tickets via the link below.



Year 8 Inter-House Public Speaking Competition

This Tuesday we concluded our annual Year 8 Inter-House Public Speaking competition with the final being held at our Senior School assembly. Congratulations to our four finalists Elisha Minicozzi (Barry), Mia Luppino (McGrath), Izzy Harris (Mulhall) and Elise Desteno (Ward). Our finalists all delivered speeches inspired by our 2023 school value, Justice. The standard of the speeches was outstanding, with an exceptional display of public speaking skills and excellent understanding of the importance of Justice. Elise Desteno was awarded the 2023 Individual Public Speaking Champion and the 2023 Public Speaking shield for best overall house was won by Ward.


Elise Desteno wrote the following reflection about her Public Speaking experience:

When I was told about the Inter-House Public Speaking Competition, I was very nervous because I did not believe public speaking was one of my strengths. We were asked to choose a topic that related to the theme of Justice and it was easy for me to decide on Homelessness. I have previously been involved in raising money for the Hutt Street Centre and it is something I am passionate about. I enjoyed researching the topic and learning more about how Mary Ward Advocated for justice. Presenting my speech at the first stage was perhaps the most daunting for me, however everyone was supportive and the teachers were very encouraging. I was so proud to progress to the House Finals and to be able to represent Ward House, even though it was overwhelming with hundreds of faces focussing on me. I knew I had prepared well and that it was important for other students to hear what I had to say about homelessness, especially the myths that surround the issue. I am so honoured to have won the competition and am very proud of all Year 8's for overcoming fears and developing new skills that will help us in the future.

Mrs Fiona Griffiths

Leader of Languages