From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

A Loreto Education

We have all made an active decision to choose a Loreto education, whether this has been for our daughters or as parents and teachers, as well as myself as Principal. We did not just randomly appear at Loreto College, we have all selected to be here. This choice is quite fundamental, because we have not only chosen Loreto because of its values, we have also expressed the desire to be shaped by those values. As parents, students, and staff, we are all formed by the influence of Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Verity and Felicity – these values drive our whole community in the honourable pursuit of becoming ‘seekers of truth and doers of justice’. It is through the values of a Loreto education that our girls become, as our Australian foundress Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm said, ‘wise, loving, well-educated women’, who are socially just, ethically minded, and the women leaders our society deserves and requires. 


With this in mind, it was a delight to welcome our new Year 7 to 11 Boarding students and families to dinner last Sunday night as well as more than one hundred new Year 7 to 11 students to the College on Monday for their Orientation Day. The day was jam packed with exciting activities and information aimed at assisting the girls with their transition to Loreto next year. In addition to this program, the littlest of our new students, our Reception girls, have also started their transition program to Loreto. We look forward to welcoming the rest of our Year 1 to Year 6 new students in the coming weeks.


We are certainly proud to be Loreto.


Dr Nicole Archard
