Key Dates

Term 4 - November

Saturday 11th - Remembrance Day

Monday 13th - School Tour 

Tuesday 14th - Year 11 Study Day

Wednesday 15th - Year 11 Exams Begin

Wednesday 15th - Year 7 (2024) Pre-Orientation Day #2 (select students only)

Wednesday 15th - Year 7 and 8 Band Concert Evening

Thursday 16th - Year 10 Study Day

Thursday 16th - Year 9 City Experience Excursion

Friday 17th - Year 10 Exams Commence

Monday 20th, 21st and 22nd - Music Soirees at 6pm 

Thursday 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th - Energy Breakthrough Camp

Friday 24th - Student Free Day

Monday 27th - Head Start for Years 8-12 (2024) Begin

Thursday 30th - Year 8 Coastal Walk Excursion


Term 4 - December

Monday 4th - Year 7 (2024) Orientation Day - all students

Tuesday 5th - Awards Assembly at 11.00am

Friday 8th - Whole School Closing Liturgy, Students dismissed at 1.00pm.

Tuesday 19th - School Office closes for 2023